This is the last sequence on p. 15 of Smyth. [WARNING: Smyth lists 2 as a possible prime factor, which, in fact, is not possible. - Max Alekseyev, Sep 17 2024]
The Lucas sequence with P = 3, Q = 5 is defined as v=2,3,-1,-18,-49,-57,.. where v(n) = P*v(n-1)-Q*v(n-2), with g.f. (2-3x)/(1-3x+5x^2).
The indices n such that n|v(n) define the sequence T = 1,3,9,27,81,153,243,459,... as listed by Smyth.
The OEIS sequence shows all distinct prime factors of elements of T.
Max Alekseyev, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..627
Richard André-Jeannin, Divisibility of generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers by their subscripts, Fibonacci Quart., 29(4) (1991) 364-366.
Yu. Bilu, G. Hanrot, and P. M. Voutier, Existence of primitive divisors of Lucas and Lehmer numbers, J. Reine Angew. Math., 539 (2001) 75-122.
R. D. Carmichael, On the numerical factors of the arithmetic forms alpha*n+-beta*n, Annals of Math., 2nd ser., 15 (1/4) (1913/14) 30-48.
Chris Smyth, The Terms in Lucas Sequences Divisible by their Indices, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 13 (2010), Article 10.2.4. Preprint: arXiv:0908.3832 [math.NT], 2009.
Jonathan Vos Post, Aug 26 2009
More detailed definition, comments rephrased, non-ascii characters in URL's removed - R. J. Mathar, Sep 09 2009
a(8)-a(9), a(11), a(18) from Jean-François Alcover, Dec 08 2017
Incorrect codes (depending on a search limit) removed, prime 2 removed, terms a(10), (12)-a(17), and a(19) onward added by Max Alekseyev, Sep 17 2024