
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Numbers n such that (A000203(n)+28)/n is an integer.
1, 28, 29, 62, 84, 182, 230, 252, 344, 756, 944, 2268, 6710, 6804, 20264, 20412, 36224, 61236, 183708, 538112, 551124, 1653372, 2085710, 4960116, 14503550, 14880348, 33665024, 44641044, 55328384, 133923132, 134438912, 401769396, 615206030, 1082574464
Contains the subset of all n of the form 28*3^k.
Generalized sequences are defined by A*A000203(n)+ B = C*n with A,B,C integers.
Then we get for different settings of A, B, C hyperperfect numbers:
A=1, C=2, B=0 gives A000396. A=1, C=2, B=1 gives A000079.
A=1, C=2, B=2 gives A056006. A=1, C=2, B=4 gives A125246. A=1, C=2, B=6 gives A141548.
A=1, C=2, B=8 gives A125247. A=1, C=2, B=10 gives A101223. A=1, C=2, B=12 gives A141549.
A=1, C=2, B=14 gives A141550. A=1, C=2, B=16 gives A125248. A=1, C=2, B=0 gives A000396.
A=1, C=2, B=0 gives A000396. A=1, C=3, B=0 gives A005820.
Not in the OEIS: A=1, C=3, B=12,18,28,... A=2, C=3, B=21,27,33,45,... A=3, C=4, B=20,...
Terms not of the form 28*3^n: 1, 29, 62, 182, 230, 344, 944, 6710, 20264, 36224, 538112, 2085710, 14503550, 33665024, 55328384, ..., . [Robert G. Wilson v, Sep 05 2010]
Graeme L. Cohen, Herman J. J. te Riele, Iterating the Sum-of-Divisors Function, Experimental Mathematics, Vol.5 (1996), No. 2, pp.91-100.
A000203 := proc(n) numtheory[sigma](n) ; end proc:
isA152302 := proc(n) (A000203(n)+28) mod n = 0 ; end proc:
for n from 1 to 1000000 do if isA152302(n) then printf("%d, ", n) ; end if ; end do: # R. J. Mathar, Aug 25 2010
fQ[n_] := Divisible[ DivisorSigma[1, n] + 28, n]; lst = {}; k = 1; While[k < 10^9/4, If[ fQ@k, AppendTo[lst, k]; Print@k]; k++ ]; lst (* Robert G. Wilson v, Sep 05 2010 *)
Ctibor O. Zizka, Jun 30 2009
Missing terms (1, 29, 182,..) inserted, 7 terms added, comment corrected - R. J. Mathar, Aug 25 2010
a(22)-a(30) from Robert G. Wilson v, Sep 05 2010
a(31)-a(34) from Donovan Johnson, Nov 03 2011