Triangle of coefficients of polynomials F(n,x) in descending powers of x generated by F(n,x)=(x+1)*F(n-1,x)+F(n-1,-x), with initial F(0,x)=1.
1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 1, 4, 4, 8, 1, 4, 12, 8, 16, 1, 6, 12, 32, 16, 32, 1, 6, 24, 32, 80, 32, 64, 1, 8, 24, 80, 80, 192, 64, 128, 1, 8, 40, 80, 240, 192, 448, 128, 256, 1, 10, 40, 160, 240, 672, 448, 1024, 256, 512, 1, 10, 60, 160, 560, 672, 1792, 1024, 2304, 512, 1024, 1, 12, 60, 280, 560, 1792, 1792, 4608, 2304, 5120, 1024, 2048
Conjecture 1. If n>1 is even then F(n,x) has no real roots.
Conjecture 2. If n>0 is odd then F(n,x) has exactly one real root, r,
and if n>4 then 0 < -r < n.
Conjectures 1 and 2 are true. [From Alain Thiery (Alain.Thiery(AT)math.u-bordeaux1.fr), May 14 2010]
Cayley (1876) states "We, in fact, find 1 + sin u = 1 + x, 1 - sin 3u = (1 + x)(1 - 2x)^2, 1 + sin 5u = (1 + x)(1 + 2x - 4x^2)^2, 1 - sin 7u = (1 + x)(1 - 4x - 4x^2 + 8x^3)^2, &c.". - Michael Somos, Jun 19 2012
Appears to be the unsigned row reverse of A180870 and A228565. - Peter Bala, Feb 17 2014
From Wolfdieter Lang, Jul 29 2014: (Start)
This triangle is the Riordan triangle ((1+z)/(1-z^2), 2*z/(1-z^2)). For Riordan triangles see the W. Lang link 'Sheffer a-and z-sequences' under A006232, also for references. The o.g.f. given by Peter Bala in the formula section refers to the row reversed triangle. The usual information on this triangle, like o.g.f. for the columns, the row sums, the alternating row sums, the recurrences using A- and Z-sequences, etc. follows from this Riordan property. The Riordan proof follows from the given o.g.f. by Peter Bala, call it Grev(x,z), by row reversion: G(x,z) = Grev(1/x,x*z) = (1+z)/(1- 2*x*z - z^2) = G(z)*(1/(1 - x*F(z))) with G(z) = (1+z)/(1-z^2) and F(z) = z*2/(1-z^2). See A244419 for the discussion for a signed version of this triangle.
A. Cayley, On an Expression for 1 +- sin(2p+1)u in Terms of sin u, Messenger of Mathematics, 5 (1876), pp. 7-8 = Mathematical Papers Vol. 10, n. 630, pp. 1-2.
Count the top row as row 0 and let C(n,k) denote the usual binomial
coefficient. For row 2n, define p(0)=C(n,0), p(1)=C(n,1), p(2)=C(n+1,2),
p(3)=C(n+1,3), p(4)=C(n+2,4), p(5)=c(n+2,5),..., until reaching two final
1's: p(2n-1)=C(2n-1,2n-1) and p(2n)=C(2n,2n). Then the k-th number in row
2n is p(k)*2^k. For row 2n+1, define q(0)=C(n,0), q(1)=C(n+1,1),
q(2)=C(n+1,2), q(3)=C(n+2,3),..., until reaching q(2n+1)=C(2n+1,2n+1).
Then the k-th number in row 2n+1 is q(k)*2^k.
From Peter Bala, Jan 17 2014: (Start)
Working with an offset of 0, the o.g.f. is (1 + x*z)/(1 - 2*z - x^2*z^2) = 1 + (x + 2)*z + (x^2 + 2*x + 4)*z^2 + ....
Recurrence equation: T(n,k) = 2*T(n-1,k-1) + T(n-2,k-2) with T(n,0) = 1.
The polynomials G(n,x) defined by G(0,x) = 1 and G(n,x) = x*F(n-1,x) for n >= 1 satisfy G(n,x) = (x + 1)*G(n-1,x) - G(n-1,-x). Cf. A140070 and A140071. (End)
From Wolfdieter Lang, Jul 29 2014: (Start)
O.g.f. for the row polynomials (rising powers of x) R(n,x) = x^n*F(n,1/x): (1+z)/(1 - 2*x*z - z^2). Riordan triangle ((1+z)/(1-z^2), 2*z/(1-z^2)). See a comment above.
Recurrence for the row polynomials R(n,x) = (1+x)*R(n-1,x) - (-1)^n*x*R(n-1,-x), n >= 1, R(0,x) = 1.
R(n,x) = Ftilde(n,2*x) + Ftilde(n-1,2*x) with the monic Fibonacci polynomials Ftilde(n,x) given in A168561.
Recurrence for the triangle: R(n,m) = R(n-1,m) + (1 + (-1)^(n-m))*R(n-1,m-1), n >= m >= 1, R(n,m) = 0 if n < m, R(n,0) = 1.
O.g.f. column sequences ((1+x)/(1-x^2))*(2*x/(1-x^2))^m, m >= 0. See A000012, 2*A004526, 4*A008805, 8*A058187, 16*A189976, 32*A189980, ...
Row sums A078057. Alternating row sums A123335.
Rows 0 to 8:
1 2
1 2 4
1 4 4 8
1 4 12 8 16
1 6 12 32 16 32
1 6 24 32 80 32 64
1 8 24 80 80 192 64 128
1 8 40 80 240 192 448 128 256
(Row 8) = (1, 4*2, 10*4, 10*8, 15*16, 6*32, 7*64, 1*128, 1*256).
First few polynomials:
F(0,x)=1, F(1,x)=x+2, F(2,x)=x^2+2*x+4, F(3,x)=x^3+4*x^2+4*x+8.
The row polynomials R(n,x) start: 1, 1 + 2*x = x*F(1,1/x), 1 + 2*x + 4^x^2 = x^2*F(2,1/x), ... - Wolfdieter Lang, Jul 29 2014
T[n_, 0]:= 1; T[n_, n_]:= 2^n; T[n_, k_]:= T[n, k] = T[n-1, k] + (1 + (-1)^(n-k))*T[n-1, k-1]; Table[T[n, k], {n, 0, 15}, {k, 0, n}] (* G. C. Greubel, Sep 24 2018 *)
(PARI) t(n, k) = if(k==0, 1, if(k==n, 2^n, t(n-1, k) + (1+(-1)^(n-k))*t(n-1, k-1)));
for(n=0, 15, for(k=0, n, print1(t(n, k), ", "))) \\ G. C. Greubel, Sep 24 2018
Clark Kimberling, Mar 05 2009
Offset corrected to 0. Cf.s added, keyword easy added by Wolfdieter Lang, Jul 29 2014