A certain partition array in Abramowitz-Stegun order (A-St order).
1, 3, 1, 15, 9, 1, 105, 60, 27, 18, 1, 945, 525, 450, 150, 135, 30, 1, 10395, 5670, 4725, 2250, 1575, 2700, 405, 300, 405, 45, 1, 135135, 72765, 59535, 55125, 19845, 33075, 15750, 14175, 3675, 9450, 2835, 525, 945, 63, 1, 2027025, 1081080, 873180, 793800
For the A-St order of partitions see the Abramowitz-Stegun reference given in A117506.
Partition number array M_3(3), the k=3 member of a family of generalizations of the multinomial number array M_3 = M_3(1) = A036040.
The sequence of row lengths is A000041 (partition numbers) [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 22, 30, 42, ...].
The S2(3,n,m) numbers (generalized Stirling2 numbers) are obtained by summing in row n all numbers with the same part number m. In the same manner the S2(n,m) (Stirling2) numbers A008277 are obtained from the partition array M_3= A036040.
a(n,k) enumerates unordered forests of increasing ternary trees related to the k-th partition of n in the A-St order. The forest is composed of m such trees, with m the number of parts of the partition.
M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, eds., Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, Applied Math. Series 55, Tenth Printing, 1972 [alternative scanned copy].
a(n,k) = n!*Product_{j=1..n} (S2(3,j,1)/j!)^e(n,k,j)/e(n,k,j)! with S2(3,n,1) = A035342(n,1) = A001147(n) = (2*n-1)!! and the exponent e(n,k,j) of j in the k-th partition of n in the A-St ordering of the partitions of n. Exponents 0 can be omitted due to 0!=1.
[1]; [3,1]; [15,9,1]; [105,60,27,18,1]; [945,525,450,150,135,30,1]; ...
a(4,3)=27 from the partition (2^2) of 4: 4!*((3/2!)^2)/2! = 27.
There are a(4,3) = 27 = 3*3^2 unordered 2-forests with 4 vertices, composed of two increasing ternary trees, each with two vertices: there are 3 increasing labelings (1,2)(3,4); (1,3)(2,4); (1,4)(2,3) and each tree comes in three versions from the ternary structure.
Cf. A049118 (row sums, identical with those of triangle A035342).
Sequence in context: A038553 A282629 A135896 * A035342 A039815 A318392
Wolfdieter Lang, Nov 13 2007