
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Number of points in a square lattice covered by a circle of diameter n if the center of the circle is chosen such that the circle covers the maximum possible number of lattice points.
2, 5, 9, 14, 22, 32, 41, 52, 69, 81, 97, 116, 137, 157, 180, 208, 231, 258, 293, 319, 351, 384, 421, 457, 495, 540, 578, 623, 667, 716, 761, 812, 861, 914, 973, 1025, 1085, 1142, 1201, 1268, 1328, 1396, 1460, 1528, 1597, 1669, 1745, 1816, 1893, 1976, 2053
a(n) >= max(A053411(n), A053414(n), A053415(n)).
a(n) is an upper bound for the number of segments of a self avoiding path on the 2-dimensional square lattice such that the path fits into a circle of diameter n. A122224(n) <= a(n).
a(1)=2: Circle with diameter 1 and center (0,0.5) covers 2 lattice points;
a(2)=5: Circle with diameter 2 and center (0,0) covers 5 lattice points;
a(3)=4: Circle with diameter 3 and center (0,0) covers 9 lattice points;
a(4)=14: Circle with diameter 4 and center (0.5,0.2) covers 14 lattice points.
(* An exact program using the functions from A291259: *)
Clear[a]; a[n_] := Module[{points, pairc, expcent, innerpoints, cn=Ceiling[n], allpairs},
allpairs = Flatten[Table[{i, j}, {i, -cn, cn+1}, {j, -cn, cn+1}], 1];
points = Select[allpairs, candidatePointQ[#, n]&];
pairc = Select[Subsets[points, {2}], dd2@@#<=4n^2&];
expcent = explorativeCenters[pairc, n];
innerpoints = Count[allpairs, _?(innerPointQ[#, n]&)];
Max[Table[Count[points, _?(dd2[#, center]<=n^2&)], {center, expcent}]] + innerpoints];
Table[a[n/2], {n, 20}] (* Andrey Zabolotskiy, Feb 21 2018 *)
The corresponding sequences for the hexagonal lattice and the honeycomb net are A125852 and A127406, respectively.
Sequence in context: A011905 A306674 A098065 * A199935 A090937 A338666
Hugo Pfoertner, Oct 09 2006, Feb 11 2007
a(21)-a(40) originally conjectured by Jean-François Alcover confirmed and moved to Data and more terms added by Andrey Zabolotskiy, Feb 21 2018