
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

a(n) = 2^(n-1) - binomial(n, floor(n/2)).
0, 0, 1, 2, 6, 12, 29, 58, 130, 260, 562, 1124, 2380, 4760, 9949, 19898, 41226, 82452, 169766, 339532, 695860, 1391720, 2842226, 5684452, 11576916, 23153832, 47050564, 94101128, 190876696, 381753392, 773201629, 1546403258, 3128164186, 6256328372, 12642301534
Suppose n >= 3. Let e_1,...,e_n be n unit-vectors which generate Euclidean space R_n and let l_n = {x = sum a_i e_i | a_1 >= a_2 >= ... >= a_n >= 0 }. Consider the hypercube H_n with vertices h_1,...,h_{2^n} = {epsilon_1 e_1 + ... + epsilon_n e_n}.
For each element x in l_n we build 2^n "statements" by taking the inner product of x with h_i. We call a statement true if (x,h_i) > 0 and false if (x,h_i) < 0. Two vectors x and y are indistinguishable if all statements produced by x and y are equal.
For each set of indistinguishable vectors we choose one vector, which is called the representative. a(n) is the number of representatives.
Hankel transform is A127365. - Paul Barry, Jan 11 2007
Number of up-steps starting at level 0 in all dispersed Dyck paths of length n-1 (that is, in Motzkin paths of length n-1 with no (1,0)-steps at positive heights). - Emeric Deutsch, May 30 2011
Number of north-east paths of length n on the square lattice, starting with a north step, which ever visit a point strictly east of the main diagonal. Equivalently, the number of vectors v in [1,-1]^n with first coordinate v_1=1 for which there exists a vector s with strictly ordered, strictly positive entries (s_1 > s_2 > ... > s_n > 0) that is orthogonal to v (<s, v> = 0). - Isaac Grosof, Jan 16 2023
Matthijs Coster, Sequences
Matthijs Coster, Statements and Representatives, 2004.
Vladimir Shevelev, A Mathar's conjecture, Seqfan, Nov 17 2017.
a(n) = A000079(n-1) - A001405(n).
a(n+1) = Sum_{k=2..n} binomial(n, floor((n-k)/2)). - Paul Barry, Jan 11 2007
a(2n) = 2*a(2n-1). - Emeric Deutsch, May 30 2011
a(n+1) = Sum_{k>=0} k*A191310(n,k). - Emeric Deutsch, May 30 2011
G.f.: (1-sqrt(1-4*z^2))^2/(4*z*(1-2*z)). - Emeric Deutsch, May 30 2011
Conjecture: (n+1)*a(n) + 2*(-n-1)*a(n-1) + 4*(-n+2)*a(n-2) + 8*(n-2)*a(n-3) = 0. - R. J. Mathar, Nov 30 2012
a(2*n+1) = 2*a(2*n) + A000108(n). Together with the first formula by Emeric Deutsch, we have a simple system of recursions. Using them, we can prove Mathar's conjecture. For example, let n be odd, n=2*m+1. By the left hand side of Mathar's conjecture, we have (2*m+2)*a(2*m+1) - 2*(2*m+2)*a(2*m) - 4*(2*m-1)*a(2*m-1) + 8(2*m-1)*a(2*m-2) = (2*m+2)*(2*a(2*m) + A000108(m) - 2*a(2*m)) - 4*(2*m-1)*(2*a(2*m-2) + A000108(m-1) - 2*a(2*m-2)) = (2*m+2)*A000108(m) - 4*(2*m-1)*A000108(m-1) = 0, since A000108(m) = binomial(2*m, m)/(m+1). - Vladimir Shevelev, Nov 17 2017
a(5)=6 because, denoting U=(1,1), D=(1,-1), H=(1,0), in HHHH, HHUD, HUDH, UDHH, UDUD, and UUDD we have 0+1+1+1+2+1=6 U steps starting at level 0. - Emeric Deutsch, May 30 2011
a(5)=6 because there are 6 north-east paths starting with N which visit a point strictly east of the main diagonal: NNEEE, NENEE, NEENN, NEENE, NEEEN, NEEEE. - Isaac Grosof, Jan 16 2023
A093387:=n->2^(n-1)-binomial(n, floor(n/2)); seq(A093387(n), n=1..50); # Wesley Ivan Hurt, Dec 01 2013
Table[2^(n - 1) - Binomial[n, Floor[n/2]], {n, 50}] (* Wesley Ivan Hurt, Dec 01 2013 *)
(PARI) a(n) = 2^(n-1) - binomial(n, n\2); \\ Michel Marcus, Aug 13 2013
Matthijs Coster, Apr 29 2004
Offset corrected by R. J. Mathar, Jun 04 2011