
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Numbers n such that n!-1 is a semiprime.
5, 8, 10, 13, 16, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 34, 36, 40, 47, 50, 59, 68, 79, 85, 93, 137, 143, 151
The next candidate for a continuation is 154!-1, which is composite with 272 decimal digits and unknown factorization. Further known terms are 157, 229, 381, 390, 392, 400, 814, 929; factorization unknown for 154, 196, 232, 271, 307, 322, 332, 333, 334, 350, 352, 386, 389, 443, 449, ...
Note that the two prime factors of 24!-1 = 620448401733239439359999 = 625793187653 * 991459181683 both have 12 decimal digits.
There is another term with prime factors with equal number of decimal digits: 34!-1 = 10398560889846739639*28391697867333973241 (20 digits each)
From Antti Karttunen, Dec 27 2015: (Start)
Furthermore, both factors of 24!-1 are in binary system 40 bits long (A070939), and in factorial base representation (A007623) they both have 14 digits: <7,2,6,5,4,8,2,3,0,0,2,0,2,1> and <11,5,2,10,1,5,6,3,4,1,1,3,0,1>. That is, A007623(625793187653) = 72654823002021, but the latter number cannot be represented reliably in such a more compact form, because it already contains digits > 9.
Factors of 34!-1 are 64 and 65 bits long, and their factorial base representations contain both 20 digits: <4,5,9,3,1,13,11,7,9,1,0,6,1,1,6,5,3,1,0,1> and <11,13,7,10,0,12,3,4,6,11,1,8,1,4,2,2,1,2,2,1>.
Also the factors of 5!-1 = 119 = 7*17 are both of the same length in factorial base system: "101" and "221".
1338, 1447, 1788, 1824, 2805, 2881, 2960, 5824 are also terms of the sequence. - Chai Wah Wu, Feb 28 2020
Select[Range[50], PrimeOmega[#! - 1] == 2 &] (* Vincenzo Librandi, Dec 28 2015 *)
(PARI) { fm(a, b)=local(c, d, r); for(n=a, b, r=n!-1; c=vecmin(factor(r)[, 1]~); d=vecmax(factor(r)[, 1]~); if(bigomega(r)==2 && isprime(c) && isprime(d), print1(n" "); ))} fp(2, 100)
(Magma) IsSemiprime:=func< n | &+[ k[2]: k in Factorization(n) ] eq 2 >; [n: n in [3..50] | IsSemiprime(Factorial(n)-1)]; // Vincenzo Librandi, Dec 28 2015
Cf. A078778 (numbers such that n!+1 is a semiprime).
Cf. also A007623, A070939, A266344.
Sequence in context: A355569 A280537 A022413 * A256359 A287073 A022160
Jason Earls, Jan 09 2003
More terms from Hugo Pfoertner, Apr 05 2003
a(23) added by Daniel Suteu, Mar 30 2019