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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A066467 Numbers having just two anti-divisors. 0
5, 8, 9, 12, 16, 24, 36, 64, 576, 4096, 65536, 262144, 1073741824, 39582418599936, 1152921504606846976, 41505174165846491136, 85070591730234615865843651857942052864, 14809541015890854379394722643016154544844622790702218770137481216 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
See A066272 for definition of anti-divisor.
2^42*3^2, 2^62*3^2, 2^210*3^2, 2^60 and 2^126 are terms. If 2*k-1 and 2*k+1 are both prime and k has exactly three odd divisors, then k is a term. Also if 2^p-1 is a Mersenne prime and 2^p+1 is the product of two distinct primes, then 2^(p-1) is a term. - Donovan Johnson, Jan 21 2013
From David A. Corneth, Oct 23 2019: (Start)
Terms greater than 5 are of the form 2^i * 3^j where i >= 0 and 0 <= j <= 2.
From the number of antidivisors of n (A066272) we have:
A066272(n) = A000005(2*n-1) + A000005(2*n+1) + A001227(n) - 5. [See formula in A066272 by Max Alekseyev, Apr 27 2010]
Let tau(k) be the number of divisors of k (A000005(k)).
Let odd(k) be the odd part of k (A001227(k)).
So tau(2*m + 1) + tau(2*m - 1) + tau(odd(m)) = 7.
As m > 1, we have tau(2*m + 1) >= 2 and tau(2*m - 1) >= 2, i.e., tau(odd(m)) in {1, 2, 3}.
If tau(odd(m)) = 1 then m = 2^k which confirms our claim.
If tau(odd(m)) = 2 then m = 2^k * p for some odd prime p.
If p > 3 then p = 6*t +- 1 for some t > 0.
Then 2*m + 1 or 2*m - 1 is divisible by 3, so they can only be 3^2, which gives m = 5. Otherwise, it is a semiprime and one of tau(2*m + 1) or tau(2*m - 1) = 4 and we have too many antidivisors.
Similar reasoning holds for tau(odd(m)) = 3, i.e., m = 2^k * p^2. (End)
Jon Perry, The Anti-Divisor
Jon Perry, The Anti-divisor [Cached copy]
For m = 12: 2m-1, 2m, 2m+1 are 23, 24, 25 with odd divisors > 1 {23}, {8}, {5} and quotients 1, 3, 5 so the anti-divisors of 12 are 3 and 5. Therefore 12 is a term of this sequence. - Bernard Schott, Oct 23 2019
antid[n_] := Select[ Union[ Join[ Select[ Divisors[2n - 1], OddQ[ # ] && # != 1 & ], Select[ Divisors[2n + 1], OddQ[ # ] && # != 1 & ], 2n/Select[ Divisors[ 2*n], OddQ[ # ] && # != 1 &]]] }, # < n & ]]; Select[ Range[10^5], Length[ antid[ # ]] == 2 & ]
from sympy.ntheory.factor_ import antidivisor_count
A066467_list = [n for n in range(1, 10**5) if antidivisor_count(n) == 2]
# Chai Wah Wu, Jul 17 2015
(PARI) nb(n) = if(n>1, numdiv(2*n+1) + numdiv(2*n-1) + numdiv(n/2^valuation(n, 2)) - 5, 0); \\ A066272
isok(m) = nb(m) == 2; \\ Michel Marcus, Oct 28 2019
Cf. A066272.
Sequence in context: A034812 A260256 A314573 * A180244 A072833 A229469
Robert G. Wilson v, Jan 02 2002
a(12)-a(13) from Donovan Johnson, Jun 19 2010
a(14) from Jud McCranie, Oct 22 2019
Four terms found by Donovan Johnson, Jan 21 2013 confirmed as next terms by David A. Corneth, Oct 23 2019

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Last modified September 15 23:52 EDT 2024. Contains 375959 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)