The least k such that A063994(k) = Product_{primes p dividing k} gcd(p-1, k-1) = n, or 0 if there's no such k.
1, 3, 28, 5, 66, 7, 232, 45, 190, 11, 276, 13, 1106, 0, 286, 17, 1854, 19, 3820, 891, 2752, 23, 1128, 595, 2046, 0, 532, 29, 1770, 31, 9952, 425, 1288, 0, 2486, 37, 8474, 0, 742, 41, 3486, 43, 7612, 5589, 2356, 47, 13584, 325, 9850, 0, 20554, 53, 5778, 0, 12926, 435, 13282, 59, 42540, 61
From Richard N. Smith, Jul 15 2019: (Start)
The comment in the "Mathematica" section is not true: A063994(65513) = 76 (thus a(76) = 65513 instead of 0), but 76 is an even nontotient (in the sequence A005277).
The first counterexample of the comment is A063994(1541) = 484, which is an even nontotient, for the counterexamples <= 2^20, see the link.
Also A063994(1072871) = 68. (thus a(68) = 1072871).
Conjecture: a(n) = 0 iff n == 2 mod 4 and n+1 is composite, if this conjecture is true, then a(54), a(110), a(294), etc. would be 0.
Another conjecture: If A063994(k) = n and n == 2 mod 4, then n+1 is prime and k is a power of n+1. (End)
f[ n_ ] := If[ n == 1, 1, Apply[ Times, GCD[ n - 1, Transpose[ FactorInteger[ n ] ] [ [ 1 ] ] - 1 ] ] ]; a = Table[ 0, {100} ]; Do[ m = f[ n ]; If[ m < 101 && a[ [ m ] ] == 0, a[ [ m ] ] = n ], {n, 1, 10^7} ]; a a(54) > 2*10^7. The zeros appear at positions that are the values in the sequence A005277, the nontotients: even n such that phi(m) = n has no solution. [Warning: This is wrong, see the "comment" section]
(PARI) a063994(n)=my(f=factor(n)[, 1]); prod(i=1, #f, gcd(f[i]-1, n-1))
a(n)=if(n%4==2 && !isprime(n+1), 0, for(k=1, 2^30, if(a063994(k)==n, return(k)))) \\ Richard N. Smith, Jul 15 2019, after Charles R Greathouse IV in A063994
Robert G. Wilson v, Sep 22 2001
a(54) - a(60) from Richard N. Smith, Jul 15 2019