From Antti Karttunen, Aug 18 2016: (Start)
The following formula reflects the original definition of computing the average, with a few unnecessary steps eliminated:
a(n) = 1/s * Sum_{i=1..s} ((i-p[i]) modulo s), where p is the permutation of rank n as ordered in the list A060117, and s is its size (the number of its elements) computed as s = 1+A084558(n).
a(n) = 1/s * Sum_{i=1..s} ((p[i]-i) modulo s). [If inverse permutations from list A060118 are used, then we just flip the order of difference that is used in the first formula].
a(n) = Sum_{i=1..s} [p[i]<i]. [And this is equal to the number of drops in that permutation p, see comments in A060502 for the proof].
A060500 := avg(Perm2SiteSwap1(PermUnrank3R(n)));
# PermUnrank3R(r) gives the permutation with rank r in list A060117:
PermUnrank3R := proc(r) local n; n := nops(factorial_base(r)); convert(PermUnrank3Raux(n+1, r, []), 'permlist', 1+(((r+2) mod (r+1))*n)); end;
PermUnrank3Raux := proc(n, r, p) local s; if(0 = r) then RETURN(p); else s := floor(r/((n-1)!)); RETURN(PermUnrank3Raux(n-1, r-(s*((n-1)!)), permul(p, [[n, n-s]]))); fi; end;
Perm2SiteSwap1 := proc(p) local ip, n, i, a; n := nops(p); ip := convert(invperm(convert(p, 'disjcyc')), 'permlist', n); a := []; for i from 1 to n do a := [op(a), ((ip[i]-i) mod n)]; od; RETURN(a); end;
avg := a -> (convert(a, `+`)/nops(a));
(define (A060500 n) (let ((s (+ 1 (A084558 n))) (p (A060118permvec-short n))) (let loop ((d 0) (i 1)) (if (> i s) d (loop (+ d (if (< (vector-ref p (- i 1)) i) 1 0)) (+ 1 i))))))
(define (A060118permvec-short rank) (permute-A060118 (make-initialized-vector (+ 1 (A084558 rank)) 1+) (+ 1 (A084558 rank)) rank))
(define (permute-A060118 elems size permrank) (let ((p (vector-head elems size))) (let unrankA060118 ((r permrank) (i 1)) (cond ((zero? r) p) (else (let* ((j (1+ i)) (m (modulo r j))) (cond ((not (zero? m)) (let ((org-i (vector-ref p i))) (vector-set! p i (vector-ref p (- i m))) (vector-set! p (- i m) org-i)))) (unrankA060118 (/ (- r m) j) j)))))))
Antti Karttunen, Mar 22 2001
Maple code collected together, alternative definition and new formulas added by Antti Karttunen, Aug 24 2016