This sequence contains every power of 2.
No term belongs to A121016.
Every terms belongs to A004761.
For any k > 0, there are A001037(k) terms with binary length k.
From Gus Wiseman, Apr 19 2020: (Start)
Also numbers k such that the k-th composition in standard order (row k of A066099) is a co-Lyndon word (regular Lyndon words being A275692). For example, the sequence of all co-Lyndon words begins:
0: () 37: (3,2,1) 79: (3,1,1,1,1)
1: (1) 38: (3,1,2) 85: (2,2,2,1)
2: (2) 39: (3,1,1,1) 87: (2,2,1,1,1)
4: (3) 43: (2,2,1,1) 91: (2,1,2,1,1)
5: (2,1) 47: (2,1,1,1,1) 95: (2,1,1,1,1,1)
8: (4) 64: (7) 128: (8)
9: (3,1) 65: (6,1) 129: (7,1)
11: (2,1,1) 66: (5,2) 130: (6,2)
16: (5) 67: (5,1,1) 131: (6,1,1)
17: (4,1) 68: (4,3) 132: (5,3)
18: (3,2) 69: (4,2,1) 133: (5,2,1)
19: (3,1,1) 70: (4,1,2) 134: (5,1,2)
21: (2,2,1) 71: (4,1,1,1) 135: (5,1,1,1)
23: (2,1,1,1) 73: (3,3,1) 137: (4,3,1)
32: (6) 74: (3,2,2) 138: (4,2,2)
33: (5,1) 75: (3,2,1,1) 139: (4,2,1,1)
34: (4,2) 77: (3,1,2,1) 140: (4,1,3)
35: (4,1,1) 78: (3,1,1,2) 141: (4,1,2,1)
3* = ...11... equals 1* = ...1..., so 3 is not a term.
6* = ...110... equals up to a shift 5* = ...101..., so 6 is not a term.
11* = ...1011... only equals up to a shift 13* = ...1101... and 14* = ...1110..., so 11 is a term.
stc[n_]:=Differences[Prepend[Join@@Position[Reverse[IntegerDigits[n, 2]], 1], 0]]//Reverse;
colynQ[q_]:=Length[q]==0||Array[Union[{RotateRight[q, #], q}]=={RotateRight[q, #], q}&, Length[q]-1, 1, And];
Select[Range[0, 100], colynQ[stc[#]]&] (* Gus Wiseman, Apr 19 2020 *)
(PARI) See Links section.
Necklace compositions are counted by A008965.
Lyndon compositions are counted by A059966.
Length of Lyndon factorization of binary expansion is A211100.
Numbers whose reversed binary expansion is a necklace are A328595.
Length of co-Lyndon factorization of binary expansion is A329312.
Length of Lyndon factorization of reversed binary expansion is A329313.
Length of co-Lyndon factorization of reversed binary expansion is A329326.
All of the following pertain to compositions in standard order (A066099):
- Length is A000120.
- Necklaces are A065609.
- Sum is A070939.
- Runs are counted by A124767.
- Rotational symmetries are counted by A138904.
- Strict compositions are A233564.
- Constant compositions are A272919.
- Lyndon compositions are A275692.
- Co-Lyndon compositions are A326774 (this sequence).
- Aperiodic compositions are A328594.
- Reversed co-necklaces are A328595.
- Rotational period is A333632.
- Co-necklaces are A333764.
- Co-Lyndon factorizations are counted by A333765.
- Lyndon factorizations are counted by A333940.
- Reversed necklaces are A333943.
- Length of co-Lyndon factorization is A334029.
Rémy Sigrist, Jul 27 2019