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User:Peter Luschny/CentralizedBernoulli

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How I once found a
Guy Steele sequence

KEYWORDS: Bernoulli polynomial, Clausen numbers, Guy Steele sequence.
Concerned with sequences:  A064538, A135517, A091090, A160014, A141056.

A Maple code review

When I try to understand a sequence the computational description of the sequence is for me as important as the mathematical formula. For instance when I see the formula

then I think these are very complicated numbers. However, when I see their algorithmic description

T(n, k) = k*T(n-1, k-1) + (k+1)*T(n-1, k),
base T(0, 0) = 1, boundary T(n, k) = 0 if k > n,

then I think that mathematical notation sometimes obfuscates inherent formal simplicity. Having said that you might understand why I am sometimes upset reading code which obfuscates simple math. Now my story begins. 

Recently I read the Maple code of sequence A064538.

A064538 := proc(n) local t1;
t1 := eval((bernoulli(n+1,m+1) − bernoulli(n+1))/(n+1));
denominator(factor(t1)) end;

I can see no reason for the local variable 't1', for 'eval' nor for 'factor'. 'denominator' is unknown to my version of Maple, perhaps it is a typo. And there is also a more subtle point. The function  computes (implicit) bernoulli(n+1, m+1) − bernoulli(n+1, 0) whereas for me bernoulli(n+1, m+1) − bernoulli(n+1, 1) is clearly the right thing here. So the code reduces to:

A064538 := n -> 
denom((bernoulli(n+1,x+1) − bernoulli(n+1,1))/(n+1)):

Now observe that the quotient (n+1) can be pulled out of the denominator becoming a factor. [You need to justify this, because it is not true in general that denom(a/(b*c)) = c*denom(a/b) for positive integers a, b, c. For example, 1 = denom(1/1) = denom(2/2) != 2*denom(2/1) = 2. Thanks. - Jonathan Sondow 22:09, 20 November 2015 (UTC)]

A064538 := n -> 
(n+1)*denom(bernoulli(n+1,x+1) - bernoulli(n+1,1)):

This is a further simplification. But what becomes even more obvious is that this is not a natural enumeration n → (n+1). Indeed it would be more natural to start with '0' and write in a version to be published on OEIS

B064538 := n -> n*denom(bernoulli(n,x+1) − bernoulli(n,1)):
B064538(n) (n ≥ 0) = 0, 1, 2, 6, 4, 30, 12, 42, 24, 90, 20

Note that this is only possible due to the new form if we want n = 0 to be included in the range of arguments. The left shift would have caused a division by zero in the original formula. Clearly the wording of the original interpretation of the formula has to be adjusted.

Still I am not satisfied. The factor n can obfuscate the real meaning of the sequence in some other contexts. So I decided to submit the sequence in its more general and more flexible form.

with(numtheory): a := n -> denom(B(n,x+1) − B(n,1)):
a(n) (n ≥ 0) = 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 6, 2, 6, 3, 10, 2, 6, 2, 210

Is this the end of the story?

Guy Steele's sequences

Well, I thought what makes sense for the Bernoulli polynomials should also make sense for the Euler polynomials. So let's see.

a := n -> denom(euler(n,x+1) − euler(n,1)):
a(n) (n ≥ 0) = 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1

Does OEIS know this sequence? Eureka, it does! Here is what I found:

a(n) = A135517(n) = 2^(A091090(n) − 1). Author: N. J. A. Sloane based on a message from Guy Steele and D. E. Knuth, Mar 01 2008.

Our formula shows that the right offset is 0 and a(0) = 1. However, I saw no indication that the connection with the Euler polynomials is known. Certainly this is worth a comment.

So the denominator of E(n,x+1) − E(n,1) is Guy Steele's sequence GS(2,5) (conjecturally).

GS := proc(p, q, len) local a, n; a := [1];
for n from 1 to len do
    a := a,[0,1,a[n],a[n]+1,2*a[n],2*a[n]+1][p];
    a := a,[0,1,a[n],a[n]+1,2*a[n],2*a[n]+1][q];
od end:
GS(2,5,...) ->

I inserted the squared brackets to make the pattern more visible. And indeed, does this pattern not bring the Matryoshka sequences back to our mind? Perhaps a sequence of this type might be called a fractal Matryoshka sequence?

There is a lot more to find out about fractal Matryoshka sequences and GS sequences. For example fix the parameters p = 2 and q = 5 in the GS sequence but introduce new parameters x and y like this:

xGS := proc(x, y, len) local a, n; a := 1;
for n from 1 to len do
    a := a,[0,x,a[n]+x,a[n],2*a[n]+y,2*a[n]+x][2];
    a := a,[0,x,a[n]+x,a[n],2*a[n]+y,2*a[n]+x][5];
od end:


xGS(x=0, y=1) → GS(p=1, q=6);
xGS(x=1, y=0) → GS(p=2, q=5);
xGS(x=1, y=1) → GS(p=2, q=6).

Does anyone know a reference to Steele's sequences? (In this case please leave an answer on the discussion page.)

Centralized Bernoulli polynomials

Let's come back to our sequence a(n) = denom(B(n,x+1) − B(n,1)). We have seen that this sequence starts:

1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 6, 2, 6, 3, 10, 2, 6, 2, 210, 30, 6, 3

However, my personal taste would prefer this sequence, which is more homogeneous.

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 5, 1, 3, 1, 105, 15, 3, 3

Divide by 2 will not work because of the subsequence a(2^n), which is interesting by itself:

Let n>0, then a(n) is odd  <=> n = 2^k for some k≥0.

         a(2^n) (n ≥ 0)
           3 * 7 * 11
         3 * 5 * 11 * 13
       3 * 7 * 13 * 19 * 43
  3 * 7 * 13 * 19 * 29 * 37 * 43

So I will try to find my preferred sequence. First I introduce a  variant of the Bernoulli polynomials, the centralized Bernoulli polynomials CBn(x).

CentralizedBernoulli := (n, x) -> 2^n*B(n, x/2 + 1/2);
alias(CB = CentralizedBernoulli);

This amounts to shifting the polynomials left into the origin (which makes the symmetry of the polynomials B(n, 1 − x) = (−1)n B(n, x) look much more natural).

Next we look at the denominator of CBn (which is of course CBn(1)).

seq(denom(CB(n,1)),n=0..16) = 1, 1, 3, 1, 15, 1, 21, 1 

It is now crucial to get things right with Dr. Clausen's famous formula, otherwise no one will buy the new polynomials.

Der Bruch der n-ten Bernoullischen Zahl wird so gefunden: Man addire zu den Theilern von 2n ... 1, 2, a, a’, a”, ... , 2n die Einheit, wodurch man die Reihe Zahlen 2, 3, a + 1, a’ + 1, ... , 2n+1 bekommt. Aus dieser nimmt man bloß die Primzahlen 2, 3, p, p’ etc. und bildet den Bruch der n-ten Bernoullischen Zahl ...

You can find a translation on Wikipedia's Bernoulli number page.  Here is the variant for the centralized Bernoulli polynomials: Aus dieser nimmt man bloß die ungeraden Primzahlen 3, p, p’ etc... Which means that we restrict the set of factors to the odd primes.

ClausenOdd := proc(n) local S, m;
S := divisors(n);
S := map(i -> i + 1, S);
S := select(isprime, S) minus {2};
mul(m, m = S) end:

A first test looks very promising:

seq(ClausenOdd(n),n=0..32) = 1, 1, 3, 1, 15, 1, 21, 1

And indeed denom(CB(n, x+1) − CB(n, 1)) is a sequence of odd integers, no exceptions anymore.

seq(denom(CB(n, x+1) - CB(n, 1)), n = 0..32) =
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 5, 1, 3, 1, 105, 15, 3, 3

This is of course no surprise, by the von Staudt-Clausen theorem the denominator of Bn can have at most one 2 as factor and our scaling cancelled this 2.

Anyway, this puzzle is solved, but it leaves me with another very intriguing one. What is the real meaning of this sequence?


New sequences for the OEIS

Based on the above considerations I might submit the following sequences to OEIS.

  • Denominator of B(n,x+1) − B(n,1); B(n, x) Bernoulli polynomials.
  • Denominator of CB(n,x+1) − CB(n,1); CB(n, x) = 2^n B(n, x/2+1/2);
    B(n, x) Bernoulli polynomials.
  • Denominator of the polynomials 2^n B(n, x/2+1/2),
    B(n, x) Bernoulli polynomials.
  • Denom(CB(n,x+1)−CB(n,1))Denom(CB(n,1))/Denom(CB(n,x+1)),
    CB(n,x) = 2^n B(n,x/2+1/2), B(n,x) Bernoulli polynomials.