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Talk:Zeta function

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Since there is more than one kind of zeta functions, should this page be Zeta functions (plural?). — Daniel Forgues 01:33, 24 January 2013 (UTC)

I guess that depends on whether we intend to cover them here, or give them their own pages. If we only talk about the Riemann zeta -- or that and the Euler zeta, which is really the same thing -- then I'd keep it singular. If we want to talk about all the zeta functions here rather than giving them their own pages it should be plural. If we're going to write individual pages this should definitely not be plural -- that's what the category should be for.
I have no immediate preference on which of these scenarios we follow.
Charles R Greathouse IV 06:16, 24 January 2013 (UTC)
I've moved Euler's alternating zeta function to its own page, so that the page Zeta function (which could thus be kept singular) is now only about Euler's zeta function and it's analytic continuation by Bernhard Riemann (which has its own main article page, Riemann zeta function). — Daniel Forgues 01:26, 26 January 2013 (UTC)