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Binomial transform

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The binomial transform is a bijective sequence transform based on convolution with binomial coefficients.


The binomial transform maps a sequence to and from a sequence via the 2-way mapping

Matrix interpretation

Considering the sequences a, b as column vectors/matrices A, B, these transformations can be written as multiplication with the lower left triangular infinite square matrix P which consists in Pascal's triangle of binomial coefficients A007318, and its inverse A130595 which just differs in the signs of every other element,


The binomial transform of the sequence (bn) = (1, b, b², ...) yields the sequence ((b+1)n) = (1, b+1, (b+1)², ...). The proof is easy, actually this is nothing else than Newton's binomial formula for (1+b)n.) This includes the following special cases:

  • b=1: The constant sequence A000012 = (1,1,1,1,...) transforms into the powers of 2, A000079 = (1, 2, 4, 8, 16,...).
  • b=-1: The sequence (-1)n = (1,-1,1,-1,...) transforms into the sequence (1,0,0,0,...) = (0^n).
  • b=2: The powers of 2, A000079 = (1, 2, 4, 8, 16,...), transform into powers of 3, A000244 = (1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, ...).

See also

External links


  • Daniel Forgues created this page on Aug 22 2010.
  • M. F. Hasler provided matrix formulae, references to Pascal's triangle, binomial coefficients, OEIS sequences, links and other sections, on Nov 04 2014.

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D. Forgues and M. F. Hasler, Binomial transform. — From the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® (OEIS®) wiki. (Available at