- Other pages:
The OEIS Foundation.
Use database.
Run demo.
Sequence webcam.
Format (external),
Versions in other languages.
Recent additions (possibly a large file).
Index to fractions.
Works citing OEIS.
OEIS: The 100K E-party.
- Contents of this page:
New users.
Description of the database.
OEIS: The movie.
OEIS: Brief history.
Arrangement of sequences in database.
Gzipped version.
Gzipped names.
Contributing new sequence or comment; helping.
OEIS search bar.
Sequences in classic books.
Referencing OEIS.
Referencing a particular sequence.
URL for searching the database.
Policy on searching the database.
Policy on email addresses.
Copyright Notice.
Awards, etc.
New Users.
- Let's begin at once with an example of a sequence of great importance:
A060843 |
Busy Beaver problem: maximal number of steps that an n-state Turing machine can make on an initially blank tape before eventually halting. |
+30 5
"In 1965 [Tibor] Rado, together with Shen Lin, proved that BB(3) is 21. ... Next, in 1983, Allan Brady proved that BB(4) is 107. ... Then, in 1989, Heiner Marxen and Juergen Buntrock discovered that BB(5) is at least 47,176,870. ... As for BB(6), Marxen and Buntrock set another record in 1997 by proving that it is at least 8,690,333,381,690,951." Aaronson.
The function Sigma(n) (A028444) denotes the maximal number of tape marks which a Turing Machine with n internal states and a two-way infinite tape can write on an initially empty tape and then halt. The function S(n) (the present sequence) denotes the maximal number of steps (shifts) which such a machine can make (it needs not produce many tape marks).
Given that 5-state machines can compute Collatz-like congruential functions (see references), it may be very hard to find the next term.
The sequence grows faster than any computable function of n, and so is non-computable.
Brady, A. H., The busy beaver game and the meaning of life, in Herken, R. (Ed) The Universal Turing Machine, pp. 259-277, Oxford Univ Press 1988.
Brady, A. H. The determination of Rado's noncomputable function Sigma(k) for four-state Turing machines, Math. Comp. 40 #62 (1983) 647-665.
Machlin, R. (nee Kopp), and Stout, Q, The Complex Behavior of Simple Machines, Physica D 42 (1990) 85-98
Michel, Pascal, Busy beaver competition and Collatz-like problems, Arch. Math. Logic (1993) 32:351-367.
R. M. Robinson, Minsky's small universal Turing machine, Int'l Jnl. Math, 2 #5 (1991) 551-562.
Yu. V. Rogozhin, Seven universal Turing machines (Russian), abstract, Fifth All-Union Conference on Math. Logic, Akad. Nauk. SSSR Sibirsk. Otdel., Inst. Mat., Novosibirsk, 1979, p. 127.
Yu. V. Rogozhin, Seven universal Turing machines (Russian), Systems and Theoretical Programming, Mat. Issled. no. 69, Akademiya Nauk Moldavskoi SSSR, Kishinev, 1982, pp. 76-90.
Claude E. Shannon, A universal Turing machine with two internal states, Automata Studies, Ann. of Math. Stud. 34 (1956) 157-165.
Scott Aaronson, Who Can Name the Bigger Number?
Bill Dubuque, Re: Halting is weak
A. Gravell and U. Ultes-Nitsche, BB(n) Grows Faster Than Any Computable Function
H. Marxen, Busy Beaver Problem
M. Somos, Busy Beaver Turing Machine
M. Somos, Busy Beaver
Q. F. Stout, The Complex Behavior of Simple Machines
E. W. Weisstein, Link to a section of The World of Mathematics.
E. W. Weisstein, Busy Beaver
Index entries for sequences related to Busy Beaver problem
Cf. A028444.
Sequence in context: A012662 A012418 A083558 this_sequence A026650 A009253 A012840
Adjacent sequences: A060840 A060841 A060842 this_sequence A060844 A060845 A060846
Jud McCranie (JudMcCranie(AT)ugaalum.uga.edu) and njas, May 02 2001
The next two terms are at least 47176870 and 3*10^1730.
Additional references from Bill Dubuque (wgd(AT)martigny.ai.mit.edu)
- Most people use this web site to
get information about a particular number sequence. If you are a new visitor,
then you might ask the database if it can recognize your favorite sequence,
if you have one. To do this, go to the
main look-up page.
(Of course, the number sequence should be well-defined, of general interest
and ideally it should be infinite. Short sequences such as phone numbers
are not appropriate.)
If your sequence isn't in the database, and if it is interesting,
please submit it using the web page for
contributing a new sequence or comment.
If you have stumped the database, you can try
which tries really hard to identify a sequence.
You can browse the database, using the
This can be set to look at the most interesting sequences,
recent additions, or sequences needing more terms.
It can be quite addictive.
It is interesting to scan the
Index to
the database to see the variety of topics that are covered.
In a way this database can be regarded as an index to all
of science. It is like a dictionary or fingerprint file
for number sequences.
Also worth visiting are the pages dealing with
Puzzle sequences,
Classic sequences and
Hot sequences.
You can run the
pages to see more examples of how to use
The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.
The Search pages have little buttons called "list",
"graph", "listen"
and sometimes "table".
"List" produces a numbered list of the terms,
plus a bracketed list suitable for importing into other programs.
"Graph" produces two plots of the sequence. The first is a pin plot
of the first 200 terms (less if fewer terms are available), the
second is a linear or log scatterplot of all available terms, using
terms from the b-file if there is one.
Some noteworthy plots are
the Fibonacci numbers, A000045,
the partition numbers, A000041,
the Euler phi-function, A000010, etc.
The plotting program was written by Deborah Swayne using the R language.
"Listen" produces a midi file so that you can listen to the sequence.
The first time you use it you will probably have to
tell your browser to allow popups from the web site.
Try listening to Recaman's sequence
A005132, turn the volume up to 127
and set the instrument to #103 !
"Table": If the sequence is formed by reading a triangle across rows
(or by reading a table by antidiagonals),
this button produces three different two-dimensional views of the sequence.
For an example, see Pascal's triangle A007318.
Finally, you might like to see a
list of papers
that have acknowledged help from the database
and some
comments from readers.
- Description of the Database (or, What is the Next Term?)
What comes next after
1, 2, 4, 9, 20, 48, 115, 286, 719, ... ? (for example). This is the place to find out!
The main table is a collection of number sequences arranged in lexicographic order.
The entry for each sequence gives:
- the beginning of the sequence
- its name or description
- any references or links
- any formulas
- cross-references to other sequences
- the name of the person who submitted it, etc.
For further information about the format of replies received from the database,
click here.
A second file describes the internal format
in which the sequences are stored in the database.
See also the hints file
for further useful information.
- OEIS: The movie:
To celebrate the launching of The OEIS
Tony Noe has made an 8.5-minute movie showing the first 1000 terms of 1000
with soundtrack from Recaman's sequence
There are four ways to view the movie:
- On YouTube
(you can find it by searching for "OEIS" and "Movie").
- By downloading a 5 MB QuickTime movie
that is viewable with QuickTime Player 7 and some browsers.
- By downloading a 27 MB movie that
uses the H264 codec and AAC sound. This movie is viewable on recent
versions of Windows Media Player
and most up-to-date browsers.
- Going to Tony's
website for a
frame-by-frame display, with links to the definitions of the sequences.
(Incidentally, you can convert the movie to just about any other format at
without downloading any software).
- OEIS: Brief history.
The sequence database was begun by Neil J. A. Sloane (henceforth, "NJAS")
in 1965 when he was a graduate student at Cornell University
in Ithaca NY. He had encountered a sequence of numbers while working
on his dissertation, namely 1, 8, 78, 944, ... (now entry
A000435 in The On-line
Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences),
and was looking for a formula for the n-th term, in order to
determine the rate of growth of the terms.
He noticed that although several books in the Cornell library contained
sequences somewhat similar to this, this particular sequence
was not mentioned.
In order to keep track of the sequences in these books, NJAS started
recording them on file cards, which he sorted into lexicographic order.
The sequences were transferred to punched cards in 1967, and were
made into a book in 1973 ("A Handbook of Integer Sequences", by NJAS,
Academic Press, NY).
NJAS joined AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1969. Following the publication of
the book, a large amount of correspondence ensued, with suggestions
for further sequences and updates to the existing entries. Many
people remarked how useful they found the book, and how surprising
it was that no one had published such a collection before.
By the early 1990's over a cubic meter of of correspondence had accumulated.
A Canadian mathematician, Simon Plouffe, offered to help in
preparing a revised edition of the book, and in 1995 "The Encyclopedia
of Integer Sequences", by NJAS and Simon Plouffe, was published
by Academic Press, San Diego.
(Incidentally, Simon Plouffe is now one of the Trustees
of The OEIS Foundation Inc.)
The 1973 book contained 2372 sequences, and the 1995 book 5487 sequences,
occupying 587 pages.
Again, once the book appeared, many further sequences and updates were
submitted from people all over the world. NJAS waited a year, until the
size of the collection had doubled, to 10,000 entries, and then in 1996
he launched
The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® (OEIS®)
on the Internet.
From 1996 until October 26, 2009, this was part of NJAS's
home page
on the AT&T Labs Web Site.
During this period, from 1996 to 2009, the database grew
by at least 10,000 entries per year.
If it were to be published in book form today, it would require
over 750 volumes, each the size of the 1995 book.
Starting in 2002, NJAS added a group of associate editors to help
process submissions. However, because they did not
have access to the computer where the dtabase was maintained,
almost all the work of updating had
to be done single-handedly by NJAS.
This involves processing 100 or 200 emails every day, and was getting to be
beyond what one person can handle.
In 2009, therefore, it was decided to make a drastic change.
NJAS set up a non-profit foundation, The
OEIS Foundation Inc., whose purpose is to
own, maintain and raise funds to support
The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® (OEIS®).
On October 26, 2009, NJAS transferred the intellectual property
of The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences to the Foundation
and the database was moved from NJAS's home page at AT&T
to a commercial hosting service.
Two versions of the database are now available:
one, the "classic" OEIS,
is a continuation of the version that was on NJAS's home page;
the other (not quite finished, as of June 2010) is a
"moderated Wiki".
For further information about The OEIS Foundation Inc., please
see the Foundation's web site.
- Arrangement of Sequences in Database. Most of the sequences are arranged
in the database in lexicographic order of absolute values,
indexed by the position of the first term
that is greater than 1 in absolute value.
Sequences that contain only 0's, 1's and -1's are in strict
lexicographic order by absolute value at the beginning of the table.
Thus there is an essentially unique place to look in order to
see if a sequence is already in the table. (If it
isn't, submit it and it will added if it is sufficiently interesting
- see Sending in a new sequence.)
Sequences received in the last few days and
not yet placed in the lexicographic ordering will be found
at the end of the table.
- Format used in replies from the database.
Internal format used in the database.
- Short index to
the most important sequences.
The main look-up page
will also allow you to search for a word (or do much more
complicated searches) in the database.
The Recent Additions file.
(Note that you can also browse these using the
- A
gzipped file containing just the sequences and their A-numbers (about 9 megs)
- A
gzipped file containing just the names of the sequences and their A-numbers (about 3 megs)
- Contributing a new sequence
(or a comment on
an existing sequence, or more terms for an existing sequence).
Want to help?
Set the
to browse the sequences that need extending,
or use the
main look-up page
to search for keyword:more.
See also the
future projects
web page.
Other related pages:
Transformations of sequences,
Maple or
Mathematica (see EISFormat.m) scripts to format sequences.
OEIS Search Bar.
To add OEIS search to the search bar in Firefox (1.5 or later), Internet
Explorer (7 or later), or Mozilla Seamonkey (and perhaps Camino)
click here.
To add OEIS search to the search bar in Opera (9 or later), go to the
main lookup page, right
click in the text box, and select "Create search...". You can also
add the OEIS to the search bar using Tools -> Preferences -> Search.
It may be possible to add OEIS search to Safary by using the Saft plugin.
There are also OpenSearch and Sherlock OEIS search plugins available
at mycroft.mozdev.org
(Thanks to several sequence fans who set up these plugins.)
Sequences in Classic Books.
Comtet's Advanced Combinatorics,
Flajolet and Sedgewick's Analytic Combinatorics,
Graham, Knuth and Patashnik's Concrete Mathematics,
Harary and Palmer's Graphical Enumeration,
Stanley's Enumerative Combinatorics.
Papers Citing
the Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.
some of the ways that people have used the database.
- Referencing the OEIS. If the database helped
your work and you wish to reference it, the usual citation is something like this:
The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences,
published electronically at http://oeis.org, 2010.
- URLs
The URL for the main lookup page is
The URL for the present page is
- Referencing a Particular Sequence.
If you are writing a paper and wish to refer the Catalan numbers, say
(sequence A000108), but don't want to
digress to describe them, simply add a reference or link that points directly
to that sequence in the database.
The URL for sequence A000108 (for example) is
A text reference might say:
The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences,
published electronically at http://oeis.org, 2010,
Sequence A000108
or, if it is clear who "discovered"
the sequence, something like
J. H. Conway, Sequence A007970 in The On-Line Encyclopedia
of Integer Sequences (2010), published electronically at http://eis.org.
In an HTML file one might say something like this:
... where the C(n) are the Catalan numbers
(<a href="http://oeis.org/A000108">Sequence A000108</a> in [OEIS]).
- URL for Searching the Database
To bypass the web page and search for a sequence directly using
the cgi program, for instance the sequence 2,5,14,50,233,
use (with no line break and no
internal spaces):
To put a window on your own page to do lookups, use the following html commands:
To look up a number sequence in the
<a href="http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/">
On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences</a>,
enter it here and click "Submit":
<input type=text name=q SIZE=60 VALUE=
<input type=submit VALUE="Submit">
To bypass the web page and search for a word or phrase directly using
the cgi program, for instance the phrase "number of factors",
use (with no line break and no
internal spaces):
http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/index.html?q="number of factors"
Policy on Searching the Database
Just as it is OK for a browser (such as Firefox) to access the OEIS, so it is
also OK for a computer algebra program such as SAGE or Haskell to have
an interface with the OEIS, provided of course that this does not
put too much of a burden on the server here.
On the other hand, it would definitely not be OK to distribute a copy
of the OEIS with such a program.
- Policy on Email Addresses in the OEIS
If possible we prefer to give the author's name and email address
with each sequence, so that people can get in touch with each other.
This is an important feature of the database.
Email addresses are disguised by replacing @ by (AT).
Let one of the editors know if you don't want your email address to
appear in any form.
However, if you do ask to have your email address removed,
try to provide a link to your home page, something like this:
%H A077001 John Smith, <a href="http://members.aol.org/~JSmth/">Home Page</a> (listed in lieu of email address)
that we can add to each of your sequences.
Again, when sending in a sequence or comment using the
Contribute new seq. or comment
web page,
if you don't want your email address to be used, say so
in one of the windows,
and if possible put the URL of your home page into one of the "links" windows.
- Copyright Notice. This database and its associated files are copyright
2010 by The OEIS Foundation Inc.
- Acknowledgments. A very large number of people have
contributed to the database, and it would be impossible to thank them individually.
Their names can be seen throughout the nearly 200000 entries.
Special thanks are due to Antti Karttunen,
who wrote the program that
displays sequences based on arrays (those with keyword "tabl")
in three different two-dimensional formats.
To see this, look at some of the following sequences,
and click on the keyword "tabl":
At the end of 2005
Alex Healy
Russ Cox (rsc(AT)swtch.com)
made a huge contribution to OEIS by greatly speeding up
the search process.
The first versions of the new programs were written
by Alex Healy and the final versions by Russ Cox.
My colleague David Applegate then helped install them
on our new server.
The new searches are much faster than the old ones
and can handle much more complicated queries.
See the
hints file
for details.
- Links.
Press Clippings, Awards, etc.
The OEIS has often been written about by the press - see
the Press
Clippings section of NJAS's home page.

(Dec 05, 2007)

(May 10, 2001)

(Mar 09, 2000)

(Jun 12, 2000)

(May 15, 1998)

(Apr 29, 1997)


(May 22, 1997)

(Oct. 9, 1996)

Click the single right arrow to go to the next demonstration page,
or the single left arrow to return to the previous page.