Array read by rows: T(m,n) is the number of m-digit semiprimes with last digit n, 0 <= n <= 9.
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 4, 7, 3, 3, 2, 3, 0, 39, 19, 38, 20, 38, 20, 29, 21, 41, 0, 373, 141, 368, 145, 257, 148, 381, 140, 373, 0, 3602, 1111, 3573, 1119, 1959, 1118, 3557, 1116, 3598, 0, 33626, 9112, 33554, 9115, 15722, 9092, 33665, 9086, 33685, 0, 314151, 76676, 314035, 76775, 130949, 76834, 313890, 76690, 314289
T(m,0) = 0 except for T(2,0) = 1 because 10 is the only semiprime ending in 0.
If n is even, all semiprimes ending in n are of the form 2*p where p is a prime ending in n/2 or n/2+5.
If n = 5, all semiprimes ending in 5 are of the form 5*p where p is an occ prime.
T(2,7) = 3 because there are 3 semiprimes with 2 digits ending in 7, namely 57 = 3 * 19, 77 = 7 * 11 and 87 = 3 * 29.
Array starts:
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1
1, 3, 3, 2, 4, 7, 3, 3, 2, 3
0, 39, 19, 38, 20, 38, 20, 29, 21, 41
0, 373, 141, 368, 145, 257, 148, 381, 140, 373
0, 3602, 1111, 3573, 1119, 1959, 1118, 3557, 1116, 3598
0, 33626, 9112, 33554, 9115, 15722, 9092, 33665, 9086, 33685
0, 314151, 76676, 314035, 76775, 130949, 76834, 313890, 76690, 314289
q:= proc(N, x) local i;
if x = 0 then if N = 2 then 1 else 0 fi
elif x::even then nops(select(isprime, [seq(i, i=10^(N-1)/2 + x/2 .. 10^N/2, 5)]))
elif x = 5 then nops(select(isprime, [seq(i, i=10^(N-1)/5 + x/5 .. 10^N/5, 2)]))
else nops(select(t -> numtheory:-bigomega(t)=2, [seq(i, i=10^(N-1)+x .. 10^N, 10)]));
end proc:
for x from 0 to 9 do if numtheory:-bigomega(x)=2 then q(1, x):= 1 else q(1, x):= 0 fi od:
for m from 1 to 7 do
seq(q(m, n), n=0..9)
Cf. A001358.
Sequence in context: A306471 A354698 A050610 * A151848 A238238 A117937
Zak Seidov and Robert Israel, Jul 24 2024