Expansion of e.g.f. T(x,k) satisfying T(x,k) = (1/k) * sinh( k*x*cosh(x*sqrt(1 + k^2*T(x,k)^2)) ), as a triangle read by rows.
1, 3, 1, 5, 90, 1, 7, 3675, 2205, 1, 9, 107604, 532350, 46116, 1, 11, 2436885, 74042430, 52887450, 812295, 1, 13, 46444398, 7663602375, 24609789204, 4257556875, 12666654, 1, 15, 785872815, 643910782515, 7510986678195, 5841878527485, 292686719325, 181355265, 1, 17, 12196578600, 45911000082220, 1766457334617976, 4451226370197750, 1124109212938712, 17658076954700, 2439315720, 1
The row sums equal A007106, the number of labeled odd degree trees with 2n nodes.
Unsigned version of triangle A370333.
A row reversal of triangle A370431.
E.g.f.: T(x,k) = Sum_{n>=0} Sum_{j=0..n} a(n,j) * x^(2*n+1)*k^(2*j)/(2*n+1)! along with the related functions C = C(x,k), S = S(x,k), D = D(x,k), and T = T(x,k) satisfy the following formulas.
(1.a) (C + S) = exp(x*D).
(1.b) (D + k*T) = exp(k*x*C).
(2.a) C^2 - S^2 = 1.
(2.b) D^2 - k^2*T^2 = 1.
Hyperbolic functions.
(3.a) C = cosh(x*D).
(3.b) S = sinh(x*D).
(3.c) D = cosh(k*x*C).
(3.d) T = (1/k) * sinh(k*x*C).
(4.a) C = cosh( x*cosh(k*x*C) ).
(4.b) S = sinh( x*cosh(k*x*sqrt(1 + S^2)) ).
(4.c) D = cosh( k*x*cosh(x*D) ).
(4.d) T = (1/k) * sinh( k*x*cosh(x*sqrt(1 + k^2*T^2)) ).
(5.a) (C*D + k*S*T) = cosh(x*D + k*x*C).
(5.b) (S*D + k*C*T) = sinh(x*D + k*x*C).
(6.a) C(x, 1/k) = D(x/k, k).
(6.b) D(x, 1/k) = C(x/k, k).
(6.c) S(x, 1/k) = k * T(x/k, k).
(6.d) T(x, 1/k) = k * S(x/k, k).
(6.e) D(x, k) = C(k*x, 1/k).
(6.f) C(x, k) = D(k*x, 1/k).
(6.g) T(x, k) = (1/k) * S(k*x, 1/k).
(6.h) S(x, k) = (1/k) * T(k*x, 1/k).
(7.a) C = 1 + Integral S*D + x*S*D' dx.
(7.b) S = Integral C*D + x*C*D' dx.
(7.c) D = 1 + k^2 * Integral T*C + x*T*C' dx.
(7.d) T = Integral D*C + x*D*C' dx.
Derivatives (d/dx).
(8.a) C*C' = S*S'.
(8.b) D*D' = k^2*T*T'.
(9.a) C' = S * (D + x*D').
(9.b) S' = C * (D + x*D').
(9.c) D' = k^2 * T * (C + x*C').
(9.d) T' = D * (C + x*C').
(10.a) C' = S * (D + k^2*x*T*C) / (1 - k^2*x^2*S*T).
(10.b) S' = C * (D + k^2*x*T*C) / (1 - k^2*x^2*S*T).
(10.c) D' = k^2 * T * (C + x*S*D) / (1 - k^2*x^2*S*T).
(10.d) T' = D * (C + x*S*D) / (1 - k^2*x^2*S*T).
(11.a) (C + x*C') = (C + x*S*D) / (1 - k^2*x^2*S*T).
(11.b) (D + x*D') = (D + k^2*x*T*C) / (1 - k^2*x^2*S*T).
(12.a) D = log(C + sqrt(C^2 - 1)) / x.
(12.b) C = log(D + sqrt(D^2 - 1)) / (k*x).
(12.c) T = sqrt(log(S + sqrt(1 + S^2))^2 - x^2) / (k*x).
(12.d) S = sqrt(log(k*T + sqrt(1 + k^2*T^2))^2 - k^2*x^2) / (k*x).
E.g.f.: T(x,k) = x + (3 + k^2)*x^3/3! + (5 + 90*k^2 + k^4)*x^5/5! + (7 + 3675*k^2 + 2205*k^4 + k^6)*x^7/7! + (9 + 107604*k^2 + 532350*k^4 + 46116*k^6 + k^8)*x^9/9! + (11 + 2436885*k^2 + 74042430*k^4 + 52887450*k^6 + 812295*k^8 + k^10)*x^11/11! + (13 + 46444398*k^2 + 7663602375*k^4 + 24609789204*k^6 + 4257556875*k^8 + 12666654*k^10 + k^12)*x^13/13! + ...
where T(x,k) = (1/k) * sinh( k*x*cosh(x*sqrt(1 + k^2*T(x,k)^2)) ).
This triangle of coefficients a(n,j) of x^(2*n+1)*k^(2*j)/(2*n+1)! in T(x,k) begins
3, 1;
5, 90, 1;
7, 3675, 2205, 1;
9, 107604, 532350, 46116, 1;
11, 2436885, 74042430, 52887450, 812295, 1;
13, 46444398, 7663602375, 24609789204, 4257556875, 12666654, 1;
15, 785872815, 643910782515, 7510986678195, 5841878527485, 292686719325, 181355265, 1;
17, 12196578600, 45911000082220, 1766457334617976, 4451226370197750, 1124109212938712, 17658076954700, 2439315720, 1; ...
(PARI) {a(n, j) = my(C=1, S=x, D=1, T=x, Ox=x*O(x^(2*n+1)));
for(i=1, 2*n+1,
C = cosh( x*cosh(k*x*C +Ox) );
S = sinh( x*cosh(k*x*sqrt(1 + S^2 +Ox)) );
D = cosh( k*x*cosh(x*D +Ox));
T = (1/k)*sinh( k*x*cosh(x*sqrt(1 + k^2*T^2 +Ox))); );
(2*n+1)! *polcoeff(polcoeff(T, 2*n+1, x), 2*j, k)}
for(n=0, 10, for(k=0, n, print1( a(n, k), ", ")); print(""))
Cf. A370430 (C), A370431 (S), A370432 (D), A007106 (row sums).
Cf. A370333.
Sequence in context: A357201 A133397 A370333 * A174424 A298330 A210621
Paul D. Hanna, Feb 19 2024