Indices at which record high values occur in A367821.
1, 2, 4, 6, 72, 75, 152, 518, 631, 1585, 2512, 4217, 5275, 13895, 14678, 53367, 177828, 464159, 1154782, 2154435, 3162278, 4641589, 8483429, 8576959, 13894955, 15848932, 21544347, 68129207, 74989421, 100000001, 114504757, 170125428, 517947468, 1000000001
Each term after a(1) = 1 is the smallest integer whose base-10 logarithm exceeds some ratio of integers N/D with D <= 21 = floor(1/(1 - log_10(9))); see Example section. - Jon E. Schoenfield, Dec 03 2023
From Jon E. Schoenfield, Dec 03 2023: (Start)
The following table illustrates how the base-10 logarithm of each term from a(2) through a(17) is slightly larger than a ratio of integers N/D with D <= 21.
n a(n) log_10(a(n)) N/D log_10(a(n))*D
-- ------ -------------- ----- --------------
2 2 0.301029995... 3/10 3.01029995...
3 4 0.602059991... 3/5 3.01029995...
4 6 0.778151250... 7/9 7.00336125...
5 72 1.857332496... 13/7 13.00132747...
6 75 1.875061263... 15/8 15.00049010...
7 152 2.181843587... 24/11 24.00027946...
8 518 2.714329759... 19/7 19.00030831...
9 631 2.800029359... 14/5 14.00014679...
10 1585 3.200029266... 16/5 16.00014633...
11 2512 3.400019635... 17/5 17.00009817...
12 4217 3.625003601... 29/8 29.00002880...
13 5275 3.722222463... 67/18 67.00000435...
14 13895 4.142858551... 29/7 29.00000985...
15 14678 4.166666883... 25/6 25.00000130...
16 53367 4.727272789... 52/11 52.00000068...
17 177828 5.250000144... 21/4 21.00000057...
E.g., log_10(a(17)) = log_10(177828) slightly exceeds 21/4; 10^(21/4) = 10^5 * 10^(1/4) = 100000 * 1.77827941..., so 177828^k is slightly farther above the nearest lower power of 10 than 177828^(k-4) is. This near-periodic behavior of the mantissas, with their slow upward creep at every 4th exponent, explains why none of the mantissas of 177828^k begin with 9 until k gets very large:
k 177828^k
------- ------------------
1 1.7782800e+0000005
2 3.1622799e+0000010
3 5.6234188e+0000015
4 1.0000013e+0000021
5 1.7782824e+0000026
6 3.1622840e+0000031
7 5.6234263e+0000036
8 1.0000027e+0000042
9 1.7782847e+0000047
10 3.1622882e+0000052
11 5.6234338e+0000057
15 5.6234412e+0000078
19 5.6234487e+0000099
23 5.6234562e+0000120
1417539 8.9999657e+7442079
1417543 8.9999776e+7442100
1417547 8.9999896e+7442121
1417551 9.0000015e+7442142
Cf. A367821.
Sequence in context: A381085 A066220 A348152 * A009257 A098757 A335709
William Hu, Dec 02 2023
More terms from Jon E. Schoenfield, Dec 03 2023