
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Irregular triangle where row n gives the columns of A340316 whose minimum value is in row n of A340316. The lists of column indices are given in abbreviated form, using pairs (x, y) to mean the range [x..y].
1, 16, 18, 18, 21, 21, 17, 17, 19, 20, 22, 265549, 265604, 265605, 265608, 265681, 265683, 265829, 265831, 265831, 265835, 265836, 265850, 265850, 265853, 265853, 265862, 265873, 265550, 265603, 265606, 265607, 265682, 265682, 265830, 265830, 265832, 265834, 265837, 265849, 265851, 265852, 265854, 265861
This sequence is a spin-off from old comments of A340316 (see history there).
Pending availability of tighter constraints, we assume that there are no more values in row n here only after we reach a column of A340316 where the value in A340316 row n is greater than the value in A340316 row n+2.
Presumably, using the results from Landau as they apply to A276176, it can similarly be shown that every row here is finite. - Peter Munn, Dec 20 2022
First 2 rows are:
{1..16, 18..18, 21..21} for [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,21];
{17..17, 19..20, 22..265549, 265604..265605, 265608..265681, 265683..265829, 265831..265831, 265835..265836, 265850..265850, 265853..265853, 265862..265873}.
The A340316 first 2 rows being:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79
6 10 14 15 21 22 26 33 34 35 38 39 46 51 55 57 58 62 65 69 74 77
the first columns that give row 2: ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
Row 3 begins: {265550..265603, 265606..265607, 265682..265682, 265830..265830, 265832..265834, ...
showlist(list) = {my(slist = List()); listput(slist, list[1]); for (i=2, #list, if (list[i] != list[i-1]+1, listput(slist, list[i-1]); listput(slist, list[i]); ); ); listput(slist, list[#list]); Vec(slist); }
primo(i) = factorback(primes(i));
ubound(nL, n) = {if (nL == 1, return(n*log(n) + n*log(log(n)))); if (nL == 2, return(n*log(n)/log(log(n)))); if (nL == 3, return(2*n*log(n)/log(log(n))^2)); if (nL == 4, return(3*n*log(n)/log(log(n))^3)); if (nL == 5, return(4*n*log(n)/log(log(n))^4)); }
out(list1, list2, list3) = print(showlist(list1)); print(showlist(list2)); print(showlist(list3));
rows() = {my(nL = 3, nC = 1000000, nB=5); my(m=vector(nL, i, vector(nC))); my(vfirst = vector(nL, i, primo(i))); my(list1 = List(), list2 = List(), list3 = List()); for (nn=1, nB, my(ok=1); print("nn=", nn); for (i=1, nL, my(list = List()); my(na = vfirst[i]); my(ns = 1); if (nn==1, m[i][ns] = na; ns++); forsquarefree (k=na+1, 100*round(ubound(i, nn*nC)), if (omega(k[2]) == i, m[i][ns] = k[1]; ns++); if (ns > nC, break)); if (ns < nC, print("not enough"); out(list1, list2, list3); return; ); ); N = 1; for (j=1, nC, if (m[N][j] == vecmin (vector(nL, r, m[r][j])), listput(list1, j+(nn-1)*nC)); ); N = 2; for (j=1, nC, if (m[N][j] == vecmin (vector(nL, r, m[r][j])), listput(list2, j+(nn-1)*nC)); ); N = 3; for (j=1, nC, if (m[N][j] == vecmin (vector(nL, r, m[r][j])), listput(list3, j+(nn-1)*nC)); ); vfirst = vector(nL, i, m[i][nC]); for (i=1, nL, m[i] = vector(nC)); ); out(list1, list2, list3); }
Michel Marcus, Dec 12 2022
Provisional rule for calculating that row n is full added by Peter Munn, Jan 03 2023