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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A355336 Number of unlabeled n-node graphs with the largest possible bipartite dimension (or biclique covering number). 2
1, 1, 1, 6, 7, 5, 1, 372, 326
(list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
Let b(n) be the largest bipartite dimension of an n-node graph. Then b(n) >= A057359(n). If, for all n >= 8, there exists a disconnected n-node graph with bipartite dimension b(n), then b(n) = A057359(n) for all n >= 1. Proof: Since the bipartite dimension of a graph equals the sum of the bipartite dimensions of its connected components, we have that b(n) >= max_{k=1..n-1} b(k)+b(n-k) (i.e., the sequence is superadditive), with equality if there exists a disconnected n-node graph with bipartite dimension b(n). It is easily checked that A057359(n) = max_{k=1..n-1} A057359(k)+A057359(n-k) for n >= 8. Since b(n) = A057359(n) for 1 <= n <= 7 (checked by brute force), the result follows.
Since (b(n)) is superadditive, it follows from Fekete's subadditive lemma that the limit of b(n)/n exists and equals the supremum of b(n)/n. It is easy to see that b(n) <= b(n-1) + 1, so this limit is between 5/7 = b(7)/7 and 1.
The numbers of disconnected n-node graphs with bipartite dimension b(n) for 1 <= n <= 9 are 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 12, 6.
Sequence in context: A305328 A332396 A100124 * A190648 A201519 A198507

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Last modified September 18 15:14 EDT 2024. Contains 376000 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)