Lexicographically earliest sequence of distinct positive integers such for any n > 0, n and a(n) are coprime and have no common 1-bits in their binary expansions.
2, 1, 4, 3, 8, 17, 16, 5, 20, 21, 32, 19, 18, 33, 64, 7, 6, 13, 12, 9, 10, 41, 40, 35, 34, 37, 68, 65, 66, 97, 96, 11, 14, 25, 24, 67, 26, 73, 80, 23, 22, 85, 84, 81, 82, 129, 128, 71, 72, 69, 76, 75, 74, 137, 136, 131, 70, 133, 132, 193, 130, 257, 256, 15, 28
This sequence combines features of A065190 and of A238757.
This sequence is a self-inverse permutation of the nonnegative integers, without fixed points.
This sequence is well defined:
- if n is odd, then we can extend the sequence with a power of 2 > n,
- if n < 2^k is even, then we can extend the sequence with a prime number of the form 1 + t*2^k (Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions guarantees us that there is an infinity of such prime numbers).
When n is odd, a(n) is even and vice-versa.
The first terms, alongside binary expansions and distinct prime factors, are:
n a(n) bin(n) bin(a(n)) dpf(n) dpf(a(n))
-- ---- ------ --------- ------ ---------
1 2 1 10 {} {2}
2 1 10 1 {2} {}
3 4 11 100 {3} {2}
4 3 100 11 {2} {3}
5 8 101 1000 {5} {2}
6 17 110 10001 {2, 3} {17}
7 16 111 10000 {7} {2}
8 5 1000 101 {2} {5}
9 20 1001 10100 {3} {2, 5}
10 21 1010 10101 {2, 5} {3, 7}
(PARI) See Links section.
from math import gcd
from itertools import count, islice
def agen(): # generator of terms
aset, mink = set(), 1
for n in count(1):
an = mink
while an in aset or n&an or gcd(n, an)!=1: an += 1
aset.add(an); yield an
while mink in aset: mink += 1
print(list(islice(agen(), 65))) # Michael S. Branicky, Jun 22 2022
Rémy Sigrist, Jun 22 2022