
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Size of the finite cycle eventually reached by iterating A353313, or -1 if no finite cycle is ever reached.
1, 4, 103, 4, 4, 103, 103, 3, 103, 4, 103, 3, 4, 103, 3, 103, 6, 103, 103, 103, 3, 3, 103, 3, 103, 3, 103, 4, 3, 6, 103, 103, 103, 3, 103, 3, 4, 3, 103, 103, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 103, 3, 103, 6, 3, 6, 103, 6, 103, 103, 103, 6, 103, 3, 103, 3, 103, 3, 3, 3, 103, 103, 103, 6, 3, 3, 3, 103, 103, 3, 3, 3, 103, 103, 3, 103
a(n) = A353311(n) - A353310(n).
Starting from n=2 and iterating A353313, we obtain the following 104 terms [2, 5, 10, 19, 34, 59, 100, 169, 284, 475, 794, 1325, 2210, 3685, 6144, 2048, 3415, 5694, 1898, 3165, 1055, 1760, 2935, 4894, 8159, 13600, 22669, 37784, 62975, 104960, 174935, 291560, 485935, 809894, 1349825, 2249710, 3749519, 6249200, 10415335, 17358894, 5786298, 1928766, 642922, 1071539, 1785900, 595300, 992169, 330723, 110241, 36747, 12249, 4083, 1361, 2270, 3785, 6310, 10519, 17534, 29225, 48710, 81185, 135310, 225519, 75173, 125290, 208819, 348034, 580059, 193353, 64451, 107420, 179035, 298394, 497325, 165775, 276294, 92098, 153499, 255834, 85278, 28426, 47379, 15793, 26324, 43875, 14625, 4875, 1625, 2710, 4519, 7534, 12559, 20934, 6978, 2326, 3879, 1293, 431, 720, 240, 80, 135, 45, 15] before the iteration returns to 5 again, in other words, forming a finite cycle of length 103, therefore a(2) = 103.
A353313(n) = { my(r=(n%3)); if(!r, n/3, ((5*((n-r)/3)) + r + 3)); };
A353312(n) = { my(visited = Map()); for(j=1, oo, if(mapisdefined(visited, n), return(j-mapget(visited, n)), mapput(visited, n, j)); n = A353313(n)); };
Antti Karttunen, Apr 13 2022