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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A337090 Number of rooted trees of n vertices in which all leaves are at odd depths (distances down from the root). 2
0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 22, 43, 89, 183, 384, 812, 1738, 3742, 8125, 17735, 38941, 85898, 190328, 423320, 944933, 2115941, 4752138, 10701191, 24157460, 54658278, 123930534, 281546031, 640785749, 1460879893, 3335858947, 7628666743, 17470228499, 40060975624 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
For n=0, there are no rooted trees at all, per A000081.
For n>=1, by omitting the root vertex, a(n) is the number of nonempty rooted forests of n-1 vertices with all leaves at even depths down from the forest roots.
A337089 counts trees with all leaves at even depths. The forests interpretation here is those even trees assembled to make even forests so that this sequence is shift-up of the Euler transform of A337089. But the usual Euler transform includes an empty forest which is not wanted here, and so -1 in the generating function forms. The sum formula is the usual Euler transform, except its cross-products re-using term a(1) expect the empty forest there, so +1 because it's not. A337089 is, in its turn, shift-up of the Euler transform of the present sequence so that it's convenient to calculate them together term by term.
a(n) = (Sum_{k=1..n-1} (a(k) + (1 if k=1)) * Sum_{d divides n-k} d*A337089(d)) /(n-1), for n>=2.
G.f.: x*(-1 + Product_{k>=1} 1/(1-x^k)^A337089(k)).
G.f.: x*(-1 + exp(Sum_{k>=1} A337089(x^k)/k)).
For n=5 vertices, there are a(5) = 3 rooted trees in which all leaves are at odd depths
* * * depth=0, root
// \\ |\ |
* * * * * * * depth=1, odd
| |
* *
| |\
* * * depth=3, odd
(PARI) See A337089 where the vector "odds" is the present sequence.
Cf. A337089.
Sequence in context: A058050 A026418 A063895 * A331993 A027214 A192652
Kevin Ryde, Aug 15 2020

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Last modified September 12 05:07 EDT 2024. Contains 375842 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)