Let m = d*q + r be the Euclidean division of m by d. The terms m of this sequence satisfy that d, q, r are consecutive positive integer terms in a geometric progression but not necessarily in that order.
6, 9, 12, 20, 28, 30, 34, 42, 56, 58, 65, 72, 75, 90, 110, 126, 132, 156, 182, 201, 205, 210, 217, 224, 240, 246, 254, 258, 272, 294, 306, 342, 344, 380, 384, 399, 420, 436, 462, 498, 502, 506, 513, 516, 520, 552, 579, 600, 650, 657, 680, 690, 702, 730, 756, 786
Inspired by the problem 141 of Project Euler (see link).
There exist 3 possibilities to get such terms m that satisfy that d, q, r are consecutive positive integer terms in a geometric progression but not necessarily in that order:
-> the geometric progression is r < q < d (A127629).
-> the geometric progression is r < d < q (same terms of A127629).
-> the geometric progression is q < r < d (A002378 \ {0,2} = oblong numbers >= 6).
Some numbers have a geometric progression solution in the 3 cases (132, 1332, 6162, ...) [see examples].
Examples with r < q < d, r < d < q, q < r <d:
34 | 8 75 | 6 42 | 12
---- ----- -----
2 | 4 , 3 | 12 , 6 | 3
The 3 possible divisions by 132:
132 | 16 132 | 8 132 | 121
----- ------ ------
4 | 8 , 4 | 16 , 11 | 1.
mx = 800; Union@ Reap[ Do[y = x+1; While[(z = y^2/x) < mx, If[ IntegerQ@ z, If[(m = z y + x) <= mx, Sow@ m]; If[(m = z x + y) <= mx, Sow@ m]]; y++], {x, mx}]][[2, 1]] (* Giovanni Resta, May 24 2020 *)
(PARI) isok(n) = {my(r, d); for (q=2, n-1, if (r=(n % q), d = n\q; if ((r*d == q^2) || (r*q == d^2) || (q*d == r^2), return (1)); ); ); } \\ Michel Marcus, May 25 2020
Equals A127629 Union A002378 \ {0,2}.
Subsequences: A334185, A334186, A335064.
Sequence in context: A290130 A118782 A246356 * A315960 A106218 A315961
Bernard Schott, May 23 2020