Let m = d*q + r be the Euclidean division of m by d. The terms m of this sequence satisfy that r, q, d are consecutive positive integer terms in a geometric progression with a common integer ratio.
9, 28, 34, 65, 75, 110, 126, 132, 205, 217, 246, 258, 294, 344, 399, 436, 502, 513, 520, 579, 657, 680, 730, 810, 866, 978, 979, 1001, 1028, 1128, 1164, 1330, 1332, 1365, 1374, 1582, 1605, 1729, 1736, 1815, 1947, 2004, 2050, 2064, 2196, 2198, 2310, 2329, 2610, 2710
Inspired by the problem 141 of Project Euler (see the link).
If b is the common ratio, then b is an integer >= 2.
So, when b >= 2 and r >= 1, q=r*b, d=r*b^2, then every m = r * (1+r*b^3) is a term, and the division becomes: r*(1+r*b^3) = (r*b^2) * (r*b) + r. The integers (r, r*b, r*b^2) are in geometric progression.
When (r < q < d) is solution with m = d * q + r, then, with d' = q and q' = d, m = d' * q' + r and (r < d' < q') is also a solution with another order between remainder, divisor and quotient (see last example).
m is a term if m = r * (1+r*b^3) with r >= 1 and b >= 2; so, when r = 1, A001093(n) for n > 1 are terms (see 1st example).
a(2) = 28 = 9*3 + 1 with (1,3,9) and ratio = 3;
a(5) = 75 = 12*6 + 3 with (3,6,12) and ratio = 2;
a(12) = 258 = 32*8 + 2 with (2,8,32) and ratio = 4;
a(42) = 2004 = 100*20 + 4 with (r=4, q=20, d=100) but also 2004 = 20*100 + 4 with (r=4, d'=20, q'=100) both with ratio = 5:
2004 | 100 2004 | 20
+----- +-----
4 | 20 4 | 100
Select[Range[2000], Length @ Solve[r * (1 + r*b^3) == # && r >=1 && b >= 2, {r, b}, Integers] > 0 &] (* Amiram Eldar, Apr 18 2020 *)
(PARI) isok(m) = {for (d=1, m, if (m % d, q = m\d; r = m % d; if (!(d % q) && (d/q == q/r), return (1)); ); ); } \\ Michel Marcus, Apr 19 2020
Cf. A334186 (similar, with b is an irreducible fraction).
Subsequence: A001093 \ {0, 1, 2} (for r = 1).
Sequence in context: A044999 A155473 A127629 * A267686 A024670 A141805
Bernard Schott, Apr 18 2020
Name improved by Michel Marcus, Apr 19 2020
More terms from Michel Marcus, Apr 19 2020