This sequence gives the number of self-avoiding walks on a 2-dimensional square lattice where the walk starts with a step length of 1 which then increments by 1 after each step up until the step length is n.
The first time a collision with a previous step can occur is for n = 6. This can occur in three different ways. For example a walk with steps of length 1,2 and 3 to the right, a step of length 4 upward, then a step of length 5 to the left. A step of length 6 downward would now result in a collision. Requiring six steps before a collision is in contrast to the standard 2D square lattice SAW of A001411 where a collision can occur on the fourth step.
Note that this sequence agrees with a SAW on the diamond lattice, A001394, for the first 7 terms, even though the seventh term here has some walks removed due to the above collision.
A. R. Conway et al., Algebraic techniques for enumerating self-avoiding walks on the square lattice, J. Phys A 26 (1993) 1519-1534.
A. J. Guttmann, On the critical behavior of self-avoiding walks, J. Phys. A 20 (1987), 1839-1854.
A. J. Guttmann and A. R. Conway, Self-Avoiding Walks and Polygons, Annals of Combinatorics 5 (2001) 319-345.
a(1) = 4. These are the four directions one can step away from a point on a 2D square lattice.
a(2) = 12. These consist of the two following walks:
| 1 2
. 2 *---*---.---*
The first walk can be taken in 8 different ways, the second in 4 ways, giving a total of 12 walks.
a(3) = 36. These consist of the following five walks:
* *
| |
. 3 3 .
| 3 *---.---.---* *---.---.---* | 3
. | | .
| . 2 . 2 |
* | | *---*---.---*
| *---* *---* 1 2
. 2 1 1
| *---*---.---*---.---.---*
*---* 1 2 3
The first four can be taken in 8 different ways, while the last straight walk can be taken in 4 ways, giving a total of 36 walks. Notice it is not possible to form a collision from any of these walks by adding a step of length 4.
Scott R. Shannon, May 13 2020