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Irregular triangle read by rows: T(n, k) gives the sums of the members of the primitive period of the unsigned Schick sequences for the odd numbers from A333855.
38, 26, 95, 71, 59, 103, 67, 224, 176, 175, 151, 115, 232, 184, 303, 219, 254, 170, 146, 264, 204, 180, 144, 405, 309, 321, 261, 428, 368, 284, 296, 571, 511, 475, 379, 600, 612, 444, 538, 466, 406, 1254, 1050, 763, 727, 732, 516, 996, 1080, 840, 952, 772, 688, 724, 844, 712, 556, 1488, 1392, 1336, 1144
For Schick's sequences see comments in A332439. In A333848 the sum for members of the primitive periods of the unsigned Schick sequences SBB(N, q0 = 1) (BB for Brändli and Beyne) for the odd numbers N from A333854 are given. (In Schick's book p is used instead of odd N >= 3, and in A333848 his B(p) = 1).
The length of row n is A135303(A333855(n)) (the B numbers for A333855(n)).
The corresponding gcd(T(n,k), 2*A333855(n)) values are given in A333851. They are used for the formula of the length of the Euler tours ET(A333855(n), q0_k), for k = 1, 2, ..., B(A333855(n)) based on the unsigned Schick sequences.
Carl Schick, Trigonometrie und unterhaltsame Zahlentheorie, Bokos Druck, Zürich, 2003 (ISBN 3-9522917-0-6). Tables 3.1 to 3.10, for odd p = 3..113 (with gaps), pp. 158-166.
Gerold Brändli and Tim Beyne, Modified Congruence Modulo n with Half the Amount of Residues, arXiv:1504.02757 [math.NT], 2016.
Wolfdieter Lang, On the Equivalence of Three Complete Cyclic Systems of Integers, arXiv:2008.04300 [math.NT], 2020.
T(n, k) = Sum_{j=1..A003558(A333855(n))} SBB(A333855(n), q0_k)_j, with the unsigned Schick sequence SBB(N, q0) for all used initial values q0 = q0_k for k = 1, 2, ..., A135303(A333855(n)) (B numbers >= 2).
The irregular triangle T(n, k) begins (here A(n) = A333855(n)):
n, A(n) \ k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
1, 17: 38 26
2, 31: 95 71 59
3, 33: 103 67
4, 41: 224 176
5, 43: 175 151 115
6, 51: 232 184
7, 57: 303 219
8, 63: 254 170 146
9, 65: 264 204 180 144
10, 73: 405 309 321 261
11, 85: 428 368 284 296
12, 89: 571 511 475 379
13, 91: 600 612 444
14, 93: 538 466 406
15, 97: 1254 1050
16, 99: 763 727
17, 105: 732 516
18, 109: 996 1080 840
19, 113: 952 772 688 724
20, 117: 844 712 556
21, 119: 1488 1392
22, 123: 1336 1144
23, 127: 637 517 457 469 433 385 385 361 325
24, 129: 649 469 469 385 397 361
25, 133: 1374 1218 1026
28, 137: 2456 2168
n = 1, N = 17, B(17) = A135303((17-1)/2) = 2. In cycle notation:
SBB(17, q0_1) = (1, 15, 13, 9) and SBB(17, q0_2) = (3, 11, 5, 7), with sums
T(1, 1) = 1 + 15 + 13 + 9 = 38 and T(1, 2) = 26. (38 + 26 = 64 = A333848(8) .)
(PARI) RRS(n) = select(x->(((x%2)==1) && (gcd(n, x)==1)), [1..n]);
isok8(m, n) = my(md = Mod(2, 2*n+1)^m); (md==1) || (md==-1);
A003558(n) = my(m=1); while(!isok8(m, n) , m++); m;
B(n) = eulerphi(n)/(2*A003558((n-1)/2));
fmiss(rrs, qs) = {for (i=1, #rrs, if (! setsearch(qs, rrs[i]), return (rrs[i])); ); }
listb(nn) = {my(v=List()); forstep (n=3, nn, 2, my(bn = B(n)); if (bn >= 2, listput(v, n); ); ); Vec(v); }
persum(n) = {my(bn = B(n)); if (bn >= 2, my(vn = vector(bn)); my(q=1, qt = List()); my(p = A003558((n-1)/2)); my(rrs = RRS(n)); for (k=1, bn, my(qp = List()); q = fmiss(rrs, Set(qt)); listput(qp, q); listput(qt, q); for (i=1, p-1, q = abs(n-2*q); listput(qp, q); listput(qt, q); ); vn[k] = vecsum(Vec(qp)); ); return (vn); ); }
listas(nn) = {my(v = listb(nn)); vector(#v, k, persum(v[k])); } \\ Michel Marcus, Jun 13 2020
Wolfdieter Lang, Jun 08 2020
Some terms were corrected by Michel Marcus, Jun 11 2010