Array read by antidiagonals: T(m,n) = number of placements of zero or more dominoes on the m X n grid where no two empty squares are horizontally adjacent.
1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 2, 11, 9, 5, 3, 25, 48, 25, 8, 4, 61, 172, 227, 64, 13, 5, 146, 731, 1427, 1054, 169, 21, 7, 351, 2976, 10388, 11134, 4921, 441, 34, 9, 844, 12039, 72751, 140555, 88733, 22944, 1156, 55, 12, 2028, 49401, 510779, 1693116, 1932067, 701926, 107017, 3025, 89
internal format)
By symmetry this is the same as the number of placements of zero or more dominoes on the n X m grid where no two empty squares are vertically adjacent.
The number of positions of m X n Domineering where horizontal (Right) has no moves, also called Right ends. Domineering is a game in which players take turns placing dominoes on a grid, one player placing vertically and the other horizontally until the player to place cannot place a domino.
All rows and columns are linear recurrences with constant coefficients. An upper bound on the order of the recurrence for columns is A005418(n+1), which is the number of binary words of length n up to reversal. An upper bound on the order of the recurrence for rows is A032120(m). This upper bound is exact for at least 1 <= m <= 6. - Andrew Howroyd, Feb 28 2020
Table starts:
m\n| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 | 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 ...
2 | 2 4 11 25 61 146 351 ...
3 | 3 9 48 172 731 2976 12039 ...
4 | 5 25 227 1427 10388 72751 510779 ...
5 | 8 64 1054 11134 140555 1693116 20414525 ...
6 | 13 169 4921 88733 1932067 40008789 831347033 ...
7 | 21 441 22944 701926 26425981 941088936 33656587715 ...
8 | 34 1156 107017 5567467 362036629 22168654178 1365206879940 ...
(Sage) # See Bjorn Huntemann, Svenja Huntemann, Neil A. McKay link.
(PARI) \\ here R(n) is row 1 as vector.
F(b, r)={my(t=1); while(b, b=(b>>valuation(b, 2))+1; my(s=valuation(b, 2)); t*=r[s]; b>>=s+1); t}
step(v, f)={vector(#v, t, my(i=t-1); sum(j=0, #v-1, if(!bitand(i, j), v[1+j]*(f[#v-bitor(i, j)]))))}
T(m, n)={my(r=R(n), f=vector(2^n, i, F(i-1, r)), v=vector(2^n)); v[1]=1; for(k=2, m, v=step(v, f)); sum(j=0, #v-1, v[1+j]*f[#v-j])}
{for(m=1, 8, for(n=1, 8, print1(T(m, n), ", ")); print)} \\ Andrew Howroyd, Feb 28 2020
Cf. A288026 (the number of placements of dominoes on an m X n grid where no two empty squares are horizontally or vertically adjacent).