
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Number of partitions of n avoiding the partition (4,2,1).
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 14, 20, 25, 32, 39, 49, 56, 68, 79, 91, 103, 119, 132, 150, 165, 183, 202, 224, 241, 264, 287, 311, 334, 362, 385, 415, 442, 472, 503, 535, 563, 599, 634, 670, 703, 743, 778, 820, 859, 899, 942, 988, 1027, 1074, 1119, 1167, 1214, 1266
We say a partition alpha contains mu provided that one can delete rows and columns from (the Ferrers board of) alpha and then top/right justify to obtain mu. If this is not possible then we say alpha avoids mu. For example, the only partitions avoiding (2,1) are those whose Ferrers boards are rectangles.
Conjecture: for n > 0, a(n) is the number of ordered pairs (r, l) such that there exists a nilpotent matrix of order n whose rank is r and nilpotent index is l. Actually, such a matrix exists if and only if ceiling(n/(n-r)) <= l <= r+1, see my proof below. If this conjecture is true, then a(n) = (n^2 + 3n)/2 - A006590(n) for n > 0. - Jianing Song, Nov 04 2019
Jonathan Bloom, Nathan McNew, Counting pattern-avoiding integer partitions, arXiv:1908.03953 [math.CO], 2019.
J. Bloom and D. Saracino, On Criteria for rook equivalence of Ferrers boards, arXiv:1808.04221 [math.CO], 2018.
J. Bloom and D. Saracino, Rook and Wilf equivalence of integer partitions, arXiv:1808.04238 [math.CO], 2018.
J. Bloom and D. Saracino Rook and Wilf equivalence of integer partitions, European J. Combin., 76 (2018), 199-207.
J. Bloom and D. Saracino On Criteria for rook equivalence of Ferrers boards, European J. Combin., 71 (2018), 246-267.
Wikipedia, Nilpotent matrix
Jonathan S. Bloom, Jul 12 2019
More terms from Alois P. Heinz, Jul 12 2019