These numbers are called "nombres trapéziens" in French.
Some results from the article by "Diophante" (problème A352):
The powers of 2 are not trapezoidal.
Every odd number >= 3 is trapezoidal. In the case of k = 2m+1, a pattern can always be obtained with a trapezoid of height H = 2. The first line has the m+1 odd integers and the second the m even integers decreasing from 2m to 2, with this following arrangement:
1 2m+1 3 2m-1 5 ...
2m 2m-2 2m-4 2m-6 ... 2
If H = L, the trapezoid becomes a triangle (examples for 3, 6 and 10 that are triangular numbers but 28 is not in trapezoid).
When an integer is trapezoidal, the number of ways for this to happen varies greatly; up to 30, the number of distinct solutions is greater when k is multiple of 6. Two symmetric trapezoids are considered to be identical.
It is not known if this sequence has a finite number of even terms.
If 34 is trapezoidal then the only possible trapezoid is necessarily of the form L = 10 and H = 4, and,
if 36 is trapezoidal, there are only two possible trapezoid forms, the first has L = 8 and H = 8 (it is a triangle) and the second one has L = 13 and H = 3.
Not to be confused with another definition of trapezoidal numbers, A165513. - N. J. A. Sloane, Jul 13 2019
"Diophante", A352. Les nombres trapéziens, Sep. 2014 (in French).
Bert Dobbelaere, C++ program
Bernard Schott, Examples of numbers in trapezoid
for k = 9: 1 9 3 7 5
8 6 4 2
for k = 10: 8 1 10 6
7 9 4
2 5
Bernard Schott, May 29 2019
a(25)-a(37) from Bert Dobbelaere, Jul 14 2019