Definition: For positive integers b (as base) and n, the positive integer (allowing initial zeros) k(n) is expomorphic relative to base b (here 5) if k(n) has exactly n decimal digits and if b^k(n) == k(n) (mod 10^n) or, equivalently, b^k(n) ends in k(n). [See Crux Mathematicorum link.]
For sequences in the OEIS, no term is allowed to begin with a digit 0 (except for the 1-digit number 0 itself). However, in the problem as defined in the Crux Mathematicorum article, leading 0 digits are allowed; under that definition a(n) = k(n) until the first k(n) which begins with digit 0. When k(n) begins with 0, then, a(n) is the next term of the sequence k(n) which doesn't begin with digit 0.
Under that definition, the term after a(4) = 3125 is not "03125" but a(5) = 203125. [Comments from Jon E. Schoenfield in A288845 and discussion with Rémy Sigrist]
Conjecture: if k(n) is expomorphic relative to "base" b, then, the next one in the sequence, k(n+1), consists of the last n+1 digits of b^k(n).
a(n) is the backward concatenation of A133615(0) through A133615(n-1). So, a(1) is 5, a(2) is 25, and so on, with recognition of the comments about the OEIS and terms beginning with 0 (for example, when n = 5, A133615(n-1) = 0, so the next nonzero digit is concatenated as well, reducing the amount subtracted from n by 1). - Davis Smith Mar 07 2019
Davis Smith, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..894
Charles W. Trigg, Problem 559, Crux Mathematicorum, page 192, Vol. 7, Jun. 81.
5^5 = 25 ends in 5, so 5 is a term; 5^25 = ...125 ends in 25, so 25 is another term.
(PARI) is(n) = my(t=#digits(n)); lift(Mod(5, 10^t)^n)==n
for(n=1, oo, my(x=n*5); if(lift(Mod(5, 10)^x)==x%10, if(is(x), print1(x, ", ")))) \\ Felix Fröhlich, Feb 24 2019
(PARI) tetrmod(b, n, m)=my(t=b); for(i=1, n, if(i>1, t=lift(Mod(b, m)^t), t)); t
for(n=1, 21, if(tetrmod(5, n, 10^n)!=tetrmod(5, n-1, 10^(n-1)), print1(tetrmod(5, n, 10^(n-1)), ", "))) \\ Davis Smith, Mar 09 2019
Bernard Schott, Feb 24 2019
a(5)-a(7) from Felix Fröhlich, Feb 24 2019
a(8) from Michel Marcus, Mar 02 2019
a(9)-a(21) from Davis Smith, Mar 07 2019