Records for the number of 'Reverse and Add' steps in base 2 needed for a Lychrel number to join the trajectory of a smaller Lychrel number (i.e., its seed). Record setting numbers in A306481.
0, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 17, 21, 22, 34, 52, 68, 83, 84, 91, 92, 98
Record setting numbers in A306481.
Similar to the number of steps needed to reach a palindrome in the Reverse and Add! trajectories (see A066144 and A066145), the number of steps needed for a Lychrel number to reach the trajectory of its seed is relatively small.
Lychrel numbers in A066059; seeds in A075252 (for base 2).
As a clarification, this sequence can also be described as: "Records for the number of 'Reverse and Add' steps in base 2 needed for a base 2 Lychrel number (A066059) to join the trajectory of a smaller base 2 Lychrel number seed (A075252)." - Robert Price, Nov 20 2019
limit = 200; (* Assumes that there is no palindrome if none is found before "limit" iterations *)
A066059 = Select[Range[50000],
Length@NestWhileList[# + IntegerReverse[#, 2] &, #, # !=
IntegerReverse[#, 2] &, 1, limit] == limit + 1 &]; utraj = {};
A075252 = Select[Range[50000], (x = NestWhileList[# + IntegerReverse[#, 2] &, #, # !=
IntegerReverse[#, 2] & , 1, limit];
If[Length@x >= limit && Intersection[x, utraj] == {},
utraj = Union[utraj, x]; True,
utraj = Union[utraj, x]]) &]; A306482 = {}; best = -1; lastj = 0;
utraj = {};
For[i = 1, i <= Length@A066059, i++,
For[j = lastj + 1, j <= Length@A075252, j++,
If[A066059[[i]] < A075252[[j]], Break[]];
utraj = Union[utraj, NestList[# + IntegerReverse[#, 2] &, A075252[[j]], limit]];
lastj = j; ];
l = NestWhileList[# + IntegerReverse[#, 2] &,
A066059[[i]], ! MemberQ[utraj, #] &, 1, limit];
If[Length@l == limit + 1, Continue[]];
If[Length@l > best, best = Length@l; AppendTo[A306482, Length@l - 1]]; ]; A306482 (* Robert Price, Nov 20 2019 *)
A.H.M. Smeets, Feb 18 2019