Bases in which 3 is a unique-period prime.
2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 17, 23, 26, 28, 35, 47, 53, 71, 80, 82, 95, 107, 143, 161, 191, 215, 242, 244, 287, 323, 383, 431, 485, 575, 647, 728, 730, 767, 863, 971, 1151, 1295, 1457, 1535, 1727, 1943, 2186, 2188, 2303, 2591, 2915, 3071, 3455, 3887
A prime p is called a unique-period prime in base b if there is no other prime q such that the period length of the base-b expansion of its reciprocal, 1/p, is equal to the period length of the reciprocal of q, 1/q.
A prime p is a unique-period prime in base b if and only if Zs(b, 1, ord(b,p)) = p^k, k >= 1. Here Zs(b, 1, d) is the greatest divisor of b^d - 1 that is coprime to b^m - 1 for all positive integers m < d, and ord(b,p) is the multiplicative order of b modulo p.
b is a term if and only if: (a) b = 3^t + 1, t >= 1; (b) b = 2^s*3^t - 1, s >= 0, t >= 1.
For every odd prime p, p is a unique-period prime in base b if b = p^t + 1, t >= 1 or b = 2^s*p^t - 1, s >= 0, t >= 1. These are trivial bases in which p is a unique-period prime, with ord(b,p) = 1 or 2. By Faltings's theorem, there are only finitely many nontrivial bases in which p is also a unique-period prime, with ord(b,p) >= 3. For p = 3, there are no nontrivial bases, since ord(3,b) <= 2.
If b = 3^t + 1, t >= 1, then b - 1 only has prime factor 3, so 3 is a unique-period prime in base b.
If b = 2^s*3^t - 1, t >= 1, then the prime factors of b^2 - 1 are 3 and prime factors of b - 1 = 2^s*3^t - 2, 3 is the only new prime factor so 3 is a unique-period prime in base b.
p = 3;
gpf(n)=if(n>1, vecmax(factor(n)[, 1]), 1);
test(n, q)=while(n%p==0, n/=p); if(q>1, while(n%q==0, n/=q)); n==1;
for(n=2, 10^6, if(gcd(n, p)==1, if(test(polcyclo(znorder(Mod(n, p)), n), gpf(znorder(Mod(n, p)))), print1(n, ", "))));
Cf. A040017 (unique primes in base 10), A144755 (unique primes in base 2).
Bases in which p is a unique prime: A000051 (p=2), this sequence (p=3), A306074 (p=5), A306075 (p=7), A306076 (p=11), A306077 (p=13).
Sequence in context: A018699 A073628 A067938 * A018457 A046809 A112777
Jianing Song, Jun 19 2018