a(n) is the smallest odd b > 1 such that (b^(2n) + 1)/2 has all prime divisors p == 1 (mod 2n).
3, 3, 5, 3, 9, 5, 15, 3, 199, 3, 45, 13, 25, 13, 181, 3, 35, 71, 39, 9, 545, 21, 45, 5, 101, 5, 1405, 13, 59, 107, 61, 3, 5369, 13, 7069, 305, 221, 39, 131, 3, 165, 169, 85, 43
Conjecture: a(n) exists for every n. This is implied by the generalized Bunyakovsky conjecture (Schinzel's hypothesis H).
The number (a(n)^(2n) + 1)/2 has all divisors d == 1 (mod 2n).
Thus, here is the congruence a(n)^(2n) == 1 (mod 2n).
If n is a power of 2, then a(n) = 3.
From Kevin P. Thompson, Mar 13 2022: (Start)
Additional terms: a(47) = 95, a(48) = 19, a(50) = 851, a(51) = 6425, a(52) = 47, a(56) = 29, a(57) = 571.
a(45) >= 2746511 (a C169 + C276 remain to be factored to verify b=2746511).
a(46) >= 275 (a C182 remains to be factored to verify b=275).
a(49) >= 979 (a C234 remains to be factored to verify b=979).
a(53) >= 425 (a C195 remains to be factored to verify b=425).
a(54) >= 1457 (a C164 remains to be factored to verify b=1457).
a(55) >= 10361 (a C307 remains to be factored to verify b=10361).
a(n) = min{b > 1: b is odd and for all prime p, if p | (b^(2n) + 1)/2 then p == 1 (mod 2n)}. - Kevin P. Thompson, Mar 14 2022
a(5) = 9 since (9^10 + 1)/2 = 41 * 42521761, 41 = 1 (mod 5*2) and 42521761 = 1 (mod 5*2), so all divisors d == 1 (mod 10).
g:= proc(t)
convert(select(type, map(s -> s[1], ifactors(t, easy)[2]), integer), set);
end proc:
F:= proc(n) local s, t, b, C, B, k, bb, Cb, easyf; uses numtheory;
t:= 2^padic:-ordp(n, 2);
s:= n/t;
C:= unapply({seq(numtheory:-cyclotomic(m, -b^(2*t)), m=numtheory:-divisors(s) minus {1}), (b^(2*t)+1)/2}, b);
B:= select(t -> C(t) mod (2*n) = {1}, [seq(b, b=1..2*n-1, 2)]);
for k from 0 do
for bb in B do
b:= k*2*n+bb;
if b < 2 then next fi;
Cb:= remove(isprime, C(b));
if Cb = {} then return b fi;
easyf:= map(g, Cb) mod (2*n);
if not (`union`(op(easyf)) subset {1}) then next fi;
if andmap(c -> factorset(c) mod (2*n) = {1}, Cb) then return b fi;
end proc:
map(F, [$1..26]); # Robert Israel, Jan 18 2018
Array[Block[{b = 3}, While[Union@ Mod[FactorInteger[(b^(2 #) + 1)/2][[All, 1]], 2 #] != {1}, b += 2]; b] &, 20] (* Michael De Vlieger, Jan 20 2018 *)
f[n_] := Block[{b = 3}, Label[init]; While[ PowerMod[b, 2n, 2n] != 1, b += 2]; d = First@# & /@ FactorInteger[(b^(2n) +1)/2]; If[ Union@ Mod[d, 2n] != {1}, b += 2; Goto[init]]; b]; Array[f, 30] (* Robert G. Wilson v, Jan 22 2018 *)
(PARI) isok(b, n) = {pf = factor((b^(2*n) + 1)/2)[, 1]; for (j=1, #pf, if (lift(Mod(pf[j], 2*n)) != 1, return (0)); ); return(1); }
a(n) = {my(b = 3); while (!isok(b, n), b += 2); b; } \\ Michel Marcus, Jan 19 2018
Cf. A298299.
Sequence in context: A332730 A248955 A071053 * A376691 A094439 A122037
Thomas Ordowski, Jan 18 2018
a(9)-a(30) from Robert Israel, Jan 18 2018
a(20) corrected by Michel Marcus, Jan 19 2018
a(31)-a(44) from Kevin P. Thompson, Mar 13 2022