
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Number T(n,k) of permutations p of [n] such that 0p has a nonincreasing jump sequence beginning with k; triangle T(n,k), n>=0, 0<=k<=n, read by rows.
1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 5, 5, 5, 0, 1, 9, 12, 14, 16, 0, 1, 17, 36, 36, 47, 52, 0, 1, 31, 81, 98, 117, 166, 189, 0, 1, 57, 174, 327, 327, 425, 627, 683, 0, 1, 101, 413, 788, 988, 1116, 1633, 2400, 2621, 0, 1, 185, 889, 1890, 3392, 3392, 4291, 6471, 9459, 10061
An up-jump j occurs at position i in p if p_{i} > p_{i-1} and j is the index of p_i in the increasingly sorted list of those elements in {p_{i}, ..., p_{n}} that are larger than p_{i-1}. A down-jump j occurs at position i in p if p_{i} < p_{i-1} and j is the index of p_i in the decreasingly sorted list of those elements in {p_{i}, ..., p_{n}} that are smaller than p_{i-1}. First index in the lists is 1 here.
Sum_{k=0..n} T(n,k) = T(n+1,n+1) = A291685(n).
T(2n,n) = T(2n,n+1) for all n>0.
T(3,1) = 1: 123.
T(3,2) = 2: 213, 231.
T(3,3) = 2: 312, 321.
Triangle T(n,k) begins:
0, 1;
0, 1, 1;
0, 1, 2, 2;
0, 1, 5, 5, 5;
0, 1, 9, 12, 14, 16;
0, 1, 17, 36, 36, 47, 52;
0, 1, 31, 81, 98, 117, 166, 189;
0, 1, 57, 174, 327, 327, 425, 627, 683;
0, 1, 101, 413, 788, 988, 1116, 1633, 2400, 2621;
b:= proc(u, o, t) option remember; `if`(u+o=0, 1,
add(b(u-j, o+j-1, j), j=1..min(t, u))+
add(b(u+j-1, o-j, j), j=1..min(t, o)))
T:= (n, k)-> b(0, n, k)-`if`(k=0, 0, b(0, n, k-1)):
seq(seq(T(n, k), k=0..n), n=0..12);
b[u_, o_, t_] := b[u, o, t] = If[u + o == 0, 1, Sum[b[u - j, o + j - 1, j], {j, 1, Min[t, u]}] + Sum[b[u + j - 1, o - j, j], {j, 1, Min[t, o]}]];
T[n_, k_] := b[0, n, k] - If[k == 0, 0, b[0, n, k - 1]];
Table[T[n, k], {n, 0, 12}, {k, 0, n}] // Flatten (* Jean-François Alcover, Jul 09 2018, after Alois P. Heinz *)
Row sums and T(n+1,n+1) give A291685.
T(2n,n) gives A291688, T(2n+1,n+1) gives A303203, T(n,ceiling(n/2)) gives A303204.
Sequence in context: A273899 A102404 A089246 * A105929 A065600 A029583
Alois P. Heinz, Aug 29 2017