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Expansion of x * phi(x) * phi(x^3)^2 * f(x, x^5)^3 in powers of x where phi() is a Ramanujan theta function and f(, ) is Ramanujan's general theta function.
1, 5, 9, 11, 24, 45, 50, 53, 81, 120, 120, 99, 170, 250, 216, 203, 288, 405, 362, 264, 450, 600, 528, 477, 601, 850, 729, 550, 840, 1080, 962, 821, 1080, 1440, 1200, 891, 1370, 1810, 1530, 1272, 1680, 2250, 1850, 1320, 1944, 2640, 2208, 1827, 2451, 3005, 2592
Ramanujan theta functions: f(q) (see A121373), phi(q) (A000122), psi(q) (A010054), chi(q) (A000700).
Cubic AGM theta functions: a(q) (see A004016), b(q) (A005928), c(q) (A005882).
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Ramanujan Theta Functions.
Expansion of (a(q^2) - a(-q)) * (2*a(q) + a(-q))^2 / 54 in powers of q where a() is a cubic AGM theta function.
Expansion of -c(-q) * (2*c(q) + c(-q))^2 / 27 in powers of q where c() is a cubic AGM theta function.
Expansion of eta(q^2)^11 * eta(q^6)^7 / (eta(q)^5 * eta(q^3) * eta(q^4)^5 * eta(q^12)) in powers of q.
a(n) is multiplicative with a(3^e) = 9^e, a(2^e) = (4^(e+1) + 9*(-1)^(e+1)) / 5 if e>0, a(p^e) = ((p^2)^(e+1) - 1) / (p^2 - 1) if p == 1 (mod 6), a(p^e) = ((p^2)^(e+1) - (-1)^(e+1)) / (p^2 + 1) if p == 5 (mod 6).
Euler transform of period 12 sequence [5, -6, 6, -1, 5, -12, 5, -1, 6, -6, 5, -6, ...].
G.f. is a period 1 Fourier series which satisfies f(-1 / (12 t)) = 192^(1/2) (t/i)^3 g(t) where q = exp(2 Pi i t) and g() is the g.f. for A113261.
G.f.: Sum_{k>0} k^2 * x^k / (1 + x^k + x^(2*k)) * if(mod(k,4)=2, 3/2, 1).
a(n) = -(-1)^n * A214262(n).
Sum_{k=1..n} a(k) ~ c * n^3 / 3, where c = Product_{p prime == 1 (mod 6)} (p^3/(p^3-1)) * Product_{p prime == 5 (mod 6)} (p^3/(p^3+1)) = 1/(A334478 * A334479) = 0.99452678821883983883... . - Amiram Eldar, Feb 20 2024
G.f. = q + 5*q^2 + 9*q^3 + 11*q^4 + 24*q^5 + 45*q^6 + 50*q^7 + 53*q^8 + 81*q^9 + ...
a[ n_] := If[ n < 1, 0, (-1)^n DivisorSum[ n, (-1)^# #^2 JacobiSymbol[ -3, n/#] &]];
a[ n_] := SeriesCoefficient[ x EllipticTheta[ 3, 0, x] EllipticTheta[ 3, 0, x^3]^2 (QPochhammer[ -x, x^6] QPochhammer[ -x^5, x^6] QPochhammer[ x^6])^3, {x, 0, n}];
a[ n_] := If[ n < 2, Boole[n == 1], Times @@ (Which[# == 3, 9^#2, # == 2, (4^(#2 + 1) + 9 (-1)^(#2 + 1))/5, Mod[#, 6] == 1, ((#^2)^(#2 + 1) - 1)/(#^2 - 1), True, ((#^2)^(#2 + 1) - (-1)^(#2 + 1))/(#^2 + 1)] & @@@ FactorInteger@n)];
(PARI) {a(n) = if( n<1, 0, (-1)^n * sumdiv( n, d, (-1)^d * d^2 * kronecker( -3, n/d)))};
(PARI) {a(n) = my(A); if( n<1, 0, n--; A = x * O(x^n); polcoeff( eta(x^2 + A)^11 * eta(x^6 + A)^7 / (eta(x + A)^5 * eta(x^3 + A) * eta(x^4 + A)^5 * eta(x^12 + A)), n))};
(PARI) {a(n) = my(A, p, e); if( n<1, 0, A = factor(n); prod(k=1, matsize(A)[1], [p, e] = A[k, ]; if( p==3, 9^e, p==2, (4^(e+1) + 9*(-1)^(e+1)) / 5, p%6==1, ((p^2)^(e+1) - 1) / (p^2 - 1), ((p^2)^(e+1) - (-1)^(e+1)) / (p^2 + 1))))};
(Magma) A := Basis( ModularForms( Gamma1(12), 3), 52); A[2] + 5*A[3] + 9*A[4] + 11*A[5] + 24*A[6] + 45*A[7] + 50*A[8] + 53*A[9] + 81*A[10] + 120*A[11] + 120*A[12] + 99*A[13];
Michael Somos, Jul 01 2017