See A276871 for a definition of sums-complement and guide to related sequences.
From Michel Dekking, Apr 30 2019: (Start)
This sequence is a generalized Beatty sequence. According to Theorem 3.2 in the paper "The Frobenius problem for homomorphic embeddings of languages into the integers" this sequence (as a subset of the natural numbers) is the complement of the union of the two Beatty sequences
V := A003231 and W = V+1 (as subsets of the natural numbers) given by
V(n):= A(n)+2n = 3,7,10,14,..., W(n):=A(n)+2n+1 = 4,8,11,15,...
Here A = A000201, the lower Wythoff sequence.
Since the sequence Delta A = A014675 of first differences of A is the infinite Fibonacci word on the alphabet {2,1}, the sequence Delta V = (V(n+1)-V(n)) is the infinite Fibonacci word on the alphabet {4,3}. (Delta V equals A276867 shifted by 1.)
Now if for some k, Delta V(k) = 4, then a distance 3 plus a distance 1 are generated between three consecutive numbers in the complement, whereas if Delta V(k) = 3, then only a distance 3 is generated between two consecutive numbers in the complement.
This means that (skipping a(1)=1)
Delta a = (a(n+1)-a(n)) = gamma(Delta V),
where gamma is the morphism
gamma(4) = 31, gamma(3) = 3.
Since the Fibonacci word is a fixed point of the morphism 0->01, 1->0, this implies that Delta a, skipping a(1)=1, is the Fibonacci word on the alphabet {3,1}. It follows that
a(n+1) = 2*A(n) - n + 1.
J.-P. Allouche, F. M. Dekking, Generalized Beatty sequences and complementary triples, arXiv:1809.03424 [math.NT], 2018.
Michel Dekking, The Frobenius problem for homomorphic embeddings of languages into the integers, Theoretical Computer Science 732, 7 July 2018, 73-79.
a(n) = 2*floor((n-1)*phi) - n + 2, where phi is the golden mean.
Clark Kimberling, Oct 01 2016