
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Numbers n such that A045876(n) = A045876(n+1).
10, 1010, 1100, 1119, 1339, 1519, 3139, 5119, 8899, 27799, 46699, 48499, 50559, 55059, 64699, 72799, 84499, 100110, 101010, 101100, 110010, 110100, 111000, 111229, 112129, 117799, 121129, 136699, 147499, 163699, 168199, 171799, 174499, 177199, 186199
A138147 is a subsequence. Therefore, the sequence is infinite. - David A. Corneth, Sep 17 2016
Suppose a term is of the form SDN, where S is a sequence of digits without leading zeros, D is a digit less than 9 and N is a sequence of digits 9 (possibly 0 nines; terms from A002283) and SDN is a concatenation of S, D and N. Let S' be a permutation of digits of S without leading zeros. Then S'DN is also in the sequence. To search terms one may choose S from A179239. - David A. Corneth, Sep 18 2016
Since (n + 8*k) = (n - k + 1)*(n - k) has solutions that are n = k + 3*sqrt(k) and n = k - 3*sqrt(k), for square values of k there are infinitely many terms such that: 1119, 1111119999, 111111111999999999, ...
1339 is a term because A045876(1339) = A045876(1340).
See 2nd comment. As 27799 is in the sequence, we can see S = 27, D = 7 and N = 99. Now all permutations S' (distinct) of S without leading zeros give terms. They are 72, giving term 72799. - David A. Corneth, Sep 18 2016
(PARI) A047726(n) = n=digits(n); (#n)!/prod(i=0, 9, sum(j=1, #n, n[j]==i)!);
A007953(n) = sumdigits(n);
lista(nn) = for(n=1, nn, if(A047726(n)*A007953(n) == A047726(n+1)*A007953(n+1), print1(n, ", ")))
Sequence in context: A288582 A104486 A098753 * A066489 A063171 A075166
Altug Alkan, Sep 17 2016