Numbers n for which A060502(n) <= 1; numbers with at most one distinct slope in their factorial representation.
0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 48, 54, 72, 74, 84, 86, 96, 97, 100, 101, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 240, 264, 360, 366, 408, 414, 480, 482, 492, 494, 552, 554, 564, 566, 600, 601, 604, 605, 618, 619, 622, 623, 696, 697, 700, 701, 714, 715, 718, 719, 720, 1440, 1560, 2160, 2184, 2400, 2424, 2880, 2886, 2928, 2934, 3240, 3246, 3288, 3294
Indexing starts from zero, because a(0)=0 is a special case in this sequence. To get those n for which A060502(n) = 1, start listing terms from a(1) = 1 onward.
From n=1 onward numbers in whose factorial base representation (A007623) the difference i_x - d_x is the same for all nonzero digits d_x present. Here i_x is the position of digit d_x from the least significant end.
From n=1 onward also n such that A060498(n) is a one-ball juggling pattern.
4 ("20" in factorial base) is present, because all nonzero digits are on the same slope as there is only one nonzero digit.
14 ("210" in factorial base) is present, because all nonzero digits are on the same slope, as 3-2 = 2-1.
19 ("301" in factorial base) is present, because all nonzero digits are on the same slope, as 3-3 = 1-1.
21 ("311" in factorial base) is NOT present, because not all of its nonzero digits are on the same slope, as 3-3 <> 2-1.
(Scheme, with Antti Karttunen's IntSeq-library)
(define A276001 (MATCHING-POS 0 0 (lambda (n) (>= 1 (A060502 n)))))
Cf. A000142, A033312, A051683 (subsequences).
Sequence in context: A255543 A256458 A376702 * A182109 A006539 A031150
Antti Karttunen, Aug 16 2016