Numbers of the form 2^k, with k>=3, appear to be part of the sequence.
The file "List of indexes and steps (k, x, y)" (see Links) for k = 1, 2, 3, 4, ... consecutive Fibonacci numbers gives the minimum index to start to calculate the average ( x ) and the step to add to get all the other averages ( y ).
E.g.: for k = 7 we have 7, 6, 8. This means that we must start from the 6th Fibonacci number to add 7 consecutive Fibonacci numbers and get an average that is an integer. Fibonacci(6) + Fibonacci(7) + ... + Fibonacci(12) = 8 + 13 + 21 + 34 + 55 + 89 + 144 = 364 and 364 / 7 = 52.
Then 6 + 1*8 = 14, 6 + 2*8 = 22, 6 + 3*8 = 30, etc. are the other indexes:
Fibonacci(14) + Fibonacci (15) + ... + Fibonacci(20) = 377 + 610 + 987 + 1597 + 2584 + 4181 + 6765 = 17101 and 17101 / 7 = 2443;
Fibonacci(22) + Fibonacci(23) + ... + Fibonacci(28) = 17711 + 28657 + 46368 + 75025 + 121393 + 196418 + 317811 = 803383 and 803383 / 7 = 114769;
Fibonacci(30) + Fibonacci(31) + ... + Fibonacci(36) = 832040 + 1346269 + 2178309 + 3524578 + 5702887 + 9227465 + 14930352 = 37741900 and 37741900 / 7 = 5391700; etc.
In particular we note that:
x = y - k + 1 appears to give only prime numbers: 3,11,19,31,59,71,79,131,179,191,239,251,271,311,359,379,419,431,439,479,491,499,571,599,631,659,719,739,751,839,971, etc.
Paolo P. Lava, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..200
Paolo P. Lava, List of indexes and steps (k, x, y)
with(numtheory); with(combinat):P:=proc(q) local a, b, k, j, n, ok;
for j from 1 to q do b:=0; ok:=1;
for n from 0 to q do a:=add(fibonacci(n+k), k=0..j-1)/j;
if type(a, integer) then ok:=0; break; fi; od;
if ok=1 then print(j); fi; od; end: P(20000);
Paolo P. Lava, Jan 26 2015