Irregular triangle of the denominators of the unreduced fractions that lead to the second Bernoulli numbers.
2, 2, 2, 6, 2, 6, 2, 6, 15, 2, 6, 15, 2, 6, 15, 105, 2, 6, 15, 105, 2, 6, 15, 105, 105, 2, 6, 15, 105, 105, 2, 6, 15, 105, 105, 231, 2, 6, 15, 105, 105, 231, 2, 6, 15, 105, 105, 231, 15015, 2, 6, 15, 105, 105, 231, 15015
The triangle of fractions A192456(n)/A191302(n) leading to the second Bernoulli numbers written in A191302(n) is the reduced case. The unreduced case is
B(0) = 1 = 2/2 (1 or 2/2 chosen arbitrarily)
B(1) = 1/2
B(2) = 1/6 = 1/2 - 2/6
B(3) = 0 = 1/2 - 3/6
B(4) = -1/30 = 1/2 - 4/6 + 2/15
B(5) = 0 = 1/2 - 5/6 + 5/15
B(6) = 1/42 = 1/2 - 6/6 + 9/15 - 8/105
B(7) = 0 = 1/2 - 7/6 + 14/15 - 28/105
B(8) = -1/30 = 1/2 - 8/6 + 20/15 - 64/105 + 8/105.
The constant values along the columns of denominators are A190339(n).
With B(0)=1, B(2) = 1/2 -1/3, (reduced case), the last fraction of the B(2*n) is
1, -1/3, 2/15, -8/105, 8/105, ... = A212196(n)/A181131(n).
We can continue this method of sum of fractions yielding Bernoulli numbers.
Starting from 1/6 for B(2*n+2), we have:
B(2) = 1/6
B(4) = 1/6 - 3/15
B(6) = 1/6 - 5/15 + 20/105
B(8) = 1/6 - 7/15 + 56/105 - 28/105.
With the odd indices from 3, all these B(n) are the Bernoulli twin numbers -A051716(n+3)/A051717(n+3).
T(n,k) = A190339(k).
Triangle begins
2, 6;
2, 6;
2, 6, 15;
2, 6, 15;
2, 6, 15, 105;
2, 6, 15, 105;
2, 6, 15, 105, 105;
2, 6, 15, 105, 105;
2, 6, 15, 105, 105, 231;
2, 6, 15, 105, 105, 231;
2, 6, 15, 105, 105, 231, 15015;
2, 6, 15, 105, 105, 231, 15015;
nmax = 7; b[n_] := BernoulliB[n]; b[1] = 1/2; bb = Table[b[n], {n, 0, 2*nmax-1}]; diff = Table[ Differences[bb, n], {n, 1, nmax}]; A190339 = diff // Diagonal // Denominator; Table[ Table[ Take[ A190339, n], {2}], {n, 1, nmax}] // Flatten (* Jean-François Alcover, Apr 25 2013 *)
Paul Curtz, Apr 21 2013