
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Consider the spiral of Theodorus (A072895). This sequence gives the number of k successive triangles which is closer to 360 degrees than any previous k triangles.
17, 53, 185, 396, 4926, 9086, 20291, 28083, 440835, 579644, 1819320, 3032895, 8305458, 15159436, 29824343, 46104922, 88019569, 89143145, 94929121, 107958869, 227428224, 402409536, 527154160
Any a(i) or a(i)+1 must belong to A072895.
These entries correspond to 1, 2, 4, 6, 22, 30, 45, 53, 211, 242, 429, 554, 917, 1239, 1738, 2161, 2986, 3005, 3101, 3307, 4800, 6385, 7308, ..., turns around the axis. Use the formula in A072895 to check the entries.
Search limit: 10000 turns about the axis.
The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, Theodorus of Cyrene.
The National Museum of American History, Kenneth E. Behring Center, Painting - Square Roots to Sixteen.
a(1) = 17 because the first 16 right triangles result in 351.15042° (8.84958° before the original axis) and the first 17 right triangles result in 364.78344°. 17 right triangles are within 4.78344° of the original axis.
a(2) = 53 because the first 54 right triangles result in 727.48834° and the first 53 right triangles result in 719.73897°. This is closer to the original axis than 16 and is within 0.2610252°.
a(3) # 109 nor 110 because the first 109 right triangles result in 1079.12463° and the first 110 right triangles result in 1084.57110°. Neither angle is closer to the original axis (1080°) than 53. Therefore the third turn around the center is not close to the original axis than twice around.
a(3) = 185 because the first 186 right triangles result in 1444.08227° (4.08227° after the original axis) and the first 185 right triangles result in 1439.88864°. This is closer to the original axis than 53 and is within 0.11136°.
lmt = Infinity; lst = {}; k = n = 1; s = 0; While[n < 1001, While[s < 2Pi*n, s = N[s + ArcTan[ 1 / Sqrt@ k], 32]; k++]; a = s - 2Pi*n; b = 2Pi*n - (s - ArcTan[1/Sqrt[k - 1]]); If[Min[a, b] < lmt, lmt = Min[a, b]; If[a < b, AppendTo[lst, {n, k - 1}]; Print[{n, k - 1}], AppendTo[lst, {n, k - 2}]; Print[{n, k - 2}]]]; n++]; Last@ Transpose@ lst
k=minDist=1; lst={}; K=-2.1577829966594462209291427868295777235; num[n_]:=Module[{a=-(K/2)+n Pi, b}, b=a^2-1/6; If[Floor[b]==Floor[b+1/(144 a^2)], Floor[b], Undefined]]; While[k<40000000, n=num[k]; If[!NumberQ[n], Print[k, " Stop"]; Break[]]; a=2Pi-Mod[K+2 Sqrt[n]+1/(6 Sqrt[n]), 2Pi]; b=Mod[K+2 Sqrt[n+1]+1/(6 Sqrt[n+1]), 2Pi]; If[a<minDist&&a<b, AppendTo[lst, n-1]; minDist=a; ];
If[b<minDist&&b<a, AppendTo[lst, n]; minDist=b; ]; k++]; lst (* Herbert Kociemba, Jul 18 2013 *)
Cf. A072895.
Sequence in context: A107175 A244270 A244271 * A125637 A320897 A147255
Robert G. Wilson v, Apr 02 2013