Triangle enumerating certain two-line arrays of positive integers.
1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 1, 7, 21, 21, 1, 10, 47, 126, 126, 1, 13, 82, 324, 818, 818, 1, 16, 126, 642, 2300, 5594, 5594, 1, 19, 179, 1107, 4977, 16741, 39693, 39693, 1, 22, 241, 1746, 9335, 38642, 124383, 289510, 289510, 1, 25, 312, 2586, 15941, 77273, 301630, 939880, 2157150, 2157150
This is the table of f(n,k) in the notation of Carlitz (p.123). The triangle enumerates two-line arrays of positive integers
............a_1 a_2 ... a_n..........
............b_1 b_2 ... b_n..........
such that
1) max(a_i, b_i) <= min(a_(i+1), b_(i+1)) for 1 <= i <= n-1
2) max(a_i, b_i) <= i for 1 <= i <= n
3) a_n = b_n = k.
See A071948 and A193091 for other two-line array enumerations.
It appears that the row reverse array is the Riordan array (f(x), g(x)), where f(x) = 1 + x + 4*x^2 + 21*x^3 + 126*x^4 + 818*x^5 + ... is the g.f. of A003168 and g(x) = x + 3*x^2 + 14*x^3 + 79*x^4 + 494*x^5 + 3294*x^6 + ... is the g.f. of A003169. - Peter Bala, Nov 26 2024
L. Carlitz, Enumeration of two-line arrays, Fib. Quart., Vol. 11 Number 2 (1973), 113-130.
Recurrence equation:
T(1,1) = 1; T(n,n) = T(n,n-1); T(n+1,k) = Sum_{j = 1..k} (2*k-2*j+1)*T(n,j) for 1 <= k <= n.
T(n+1,k+1) = (1/n) * ((n - k)*Sum_{i = 0..k} C(n, k-i)*C(2*n+i, i) + Sum_{i = 1..k} C(n, k-i)*C(2*n+i, i-1)).
Row reverse has production matrix
1 1
3 3 1
5 5 3 1
7 7 5 3 1
Main diagonal T(n,n) = A003168(n). Row sums A211789.
Triangle begins
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
T(4,2) = 7: The 7 two-line arrays are
...1 1 1 2....1 1 2 2....1 2 2 2....1 1 1 2
...1 1 1 2....1 1 2 2....1 2 2 2....1 1 2 2
...1 1 2 2....1 1 2 2....1 2 2 2...........
...1 1 1 2....1 2 2 2....1 1 2 2...........
Cf. A003168 (main diagonal), A211789 (row sums).
Sequence in context: A047213 A128213 A171716 * A318732 A016706 A358204
Peter Bala, Aug 02 2012