Reduce the elements of A192717 by subtracting 3 and dividing by 8. This makes sense since the elements of A192717 are congruent to 3 (mod 8).
A positive integer n belongs to this sequence precisely when n can be written as t + 2u for triangular numbers t, u an odd number of times, equivalently, written as t + u + v for triangular numbers t, u, v, an odd number of times.
J. N. Cooper, D. Eichhorn, and K. O'Bryant, Reciprocals of binary power series, arXiv:math/0506496 [math.NT], 2005.
J. N. Cooper, D. Eichhorn, and K. O'Bryant, Reciprocals of binary power series, International Journal of Number Theory, 2 no. 4 (2006), 499-522.
J. N. Cooper and A. W. N. Riasanovsky, On the Reciprocal of the Binary Generating Function for the Sum of Divisors, 2012.
For n = 0, 1 representation: 0 + 0 + 0; so 0 belongs to this sequence.
For n = 1, 3 representations: 1 + 0 + 0, 0 + 1 + 0, 0 + 0 + 1; so 1 belongs.
For n = 2, 3 representations: 1 + 1 + 0, 1 + 0 + 1, 0 + 1 + 1; so 2 belongs.
For n = 3, 4 representations: 3 + 0 + 0, 0 + 3 + 0, 0 + 0 + 3, 1 + 1 + 1; so 3 does not belong.
For n = 4, 6 representations: 3 + 1 + 0, 3 + 0 + 1, 1 + 3 + 0, 1 + 0 + 3, 0 + 3 + 1, 0 + 1 + 3; so 4 does not belong.
def BPS(n): #binary power series
return sum([q^s for s in n])
prec = 2^14
R = PowerSeriesRing(GF(2), 'q', default_prec = prec)
q = R.gen()
tList = [(n*(n+1))//2 for n in range(0, floor(-1+sqrt(8*prec+1))//2)]
tSeries = BPS(tList)
Alexander Riasanovsky, Jan 20 2013