
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

a(n) is the ceiling of 2^n * (sqrt(2)-1), i.e., a(n)-1 is the number whose binary representation gives the first n bits of sqrt(2)-1.
1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 27, 54, 107, 213, 425, 849, 1697, 3394, 6787, 13573, 27146, 54292, 108584, 217168, 434335, 868669, 1737338, 3474676, 6949351, 13898701, 27797402, 55594804, 111189607, 222379213, 444758426, 889516852, 1779033704, 3558067408
Previous definition: Call an integer m >= 1 plentiful iff the square of m has twice as many bits (floor log_2 plus one) as m. For each n >= 1 there is a unique k >= 0 so that an m with 2^n <= m < 2^(n+1) is plentiful iff m >= 2^n+k. a(n) is this k.
This sequence has a geometric interpretation. Let 2^(n+1) be the length of the fixed base of all integer isosceles triangles whose equal sides are shorter than its base. Then a(n) is the number of these isosceles triangles whose height above the base is < 2^n. It includes the degenerate isosceles triangle of height 0. - Frank M Jackson, Sep 16 2017
Paul Stoeber, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..95 [corrected by Andrew Howroyd, Feb 28 2018]
a(8)=107 because 256 + 107, ..., 511 are plentiful and 256, ..., 256 + 107 - 1 are not.
hcount[c_] := Module[{n=0, m}, Do[If[Sqrt[m(c+m)]<c/2, n++], {m, 0, c/2}]; n]; Table[hcount[2^(n+1)], {n, 1, 20}] (* Frank M Jackson, Sep 16 2017 *)
bits :: Integer -> Integer
bits n = if n==1 then 1 else 1+bits (n`div`2)
plentiful :: Integer -> Bool
plentiful n = bits (n*n) == 2*bits n
bisect a b = let c = (a+b)`div`2 in
if c==a then b else if plentiful c then bisect a c else bisect c b
a :: Integer -> Integer
a n = bisect (2^n) (2^(n+1)-1) - 2^n
main = print [a n | n<-[1..]]
Sequence in context: A190822 A107949 A155099 * A160113 A171231 A094057
Paul Stoeber (pstoeber(AT)uni-potsdam.de), Mar 25 2008
New simplified definition by Vincent Nesme, Nov 04 2008