Numbers of the form m = p1 * p2 where for each d|m we have (d+m/d)/2 prime and p1 < p2 both prime.
21, 33, 57, 85, 93, 133, 145, 177, 205, 213, 217, 253, 393, 445, 553, 565, 633, 697, 793, 817, 865, 913, 933, 973, 1137, 1285, 1345, 1417, 1437, 1465, 1477, 1513, 1537, 1717, 1765, 1837, 1857, 1893, 2101, 2173, 2245, 2305, 2517, 2577, 2581, 2605, 2641, 2653, 2733, 2761
The symmetric representation of sigma (A237593) for p1*p2, SRS(p1*p2), consists of either 4 or 3 regions. Let p1 < p2. Then 2*p1 < p2 implies that SRS(p1*p2), consists of 2 pairs of regions of widths 1 having respective sizes (p1*p2 + 1)/2 and (p1 + p2)/2; and p2 < 2*p1 implies that SRS(p1*p2) consists of 2 outer regions of width 1 and size (p1*p2 + 1)/2 and a central region of maximum width 2 of size p1 + p2 . Therefore, if SRS(p1*p2) has four regions, the area of each is a prime number (see A233562) and if it has three regions, the central area is an even semiprime (A100484). - Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Jan 09 2021
Old name was: "a(n) is the n-th smallest product of two distinct odd primes m=p1*p2 with the property that (d+m/d)/2 are all primes for each d dividing m.". - David A. Corneth, Jan 09 2021
85=5 * 17, (5 * 17+1)/2=43, (5+17)/2=11 are both primes and 85 is in the sequence.
From Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Jan 09 2021: (Start)
9=3*3 is not in the sequence even though (1+9)/2 and (3+3)/2 are primes, see also A340482.
a(33) = 1537 = 29*53 is the first number for which the symmetric representation of sigma consists of three regions ( 769, 82, 769 ) with 5 units of width 2 straddling the diagonal in the central region; (1537+1)/2 = 769 and (29+53)/2 = 41 are primes. (End)
ppQ[s_, k_] := Last[Transpose[FactorInteger[s]]==Table[1, k]
dQ[s_] := Module[{d=Divisors[s]}, AllTrue[Map[(d[[#]]+d[[-#]])/2&, Range[Length[d]/2]], PrimeQ]]
goodL[{m_, n_}, k_] := Module[{i=m, list={}}, While[i<=n, If[ppQ[i, k] && dQ[i], AppendTo[list, i]]; i+=2]; list]/; OddQ[m]
a128283[n_] := goodL[{1, n}, 2]
a128283[2653] (* Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Jan 09 2021 *)
Kok Seng Chua (chuakokseng(AT)hotmail.com), Mar 05 2007
Added "distinct" for clarification since 9 satisfies the divisor property. See also A340482. - Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Jan 09 2021
New name from David A. Corneth, Jan 09 2021