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Variant of triangle A008301, read by rows of 2*n+1 terms, such that the first column is the secant numbers (A000364).
1, 1, 3, 1, 5, 15, 21, 15, 5, 61, 183, 285, 327, 285, 183, 61, 1385, 4155, 6681, 8475, 9129, 8475, 6681, 4155, 1385, 50521, 151563, 247065, 325947, 378105, 396363, 378105, 325947, 247065, 151563, 50521, 2702765, 8108295, 13311741, 17908935
Foata and Han refer to this as the triangle of Poupard numbers h_n(k). - N. J. A. Sloane, Feb 17 2014
Central terms (A125054) equal the binomial transform of the tangent numbers (A000182).
Dominique Foata and Guo-Niu Han, Seidel Triangle Sequences and Bi-Entringer Numbers, Nov 20 2013;
Foata, Dominique; Han, Guo-Niu; Strehl, Volker The Entringer-Poupard matrix sequence. Linear Algebra Appl. 512, 71-96 (2017).
Sum_{k=0..2n} C(2n,k)*T(n,k) = 4^n * A000182(n), where A000182 are the tangent numbers.
Sum_{k=0..2n} (-1)^n*C(2n,k)*T(n,k) = (-4)^n.
If we write the triangle like this:
......................... ...1;
................... ...1, ...3, ...1;
............. ...5, ..15, ..21, ..15, ...5;
....... ..61, .183, .285, .327, .285, .183, ..61;
. 1385, 4155, 6681, 8475, 9129, 8475, 6681, 4155, 1385;
then the first nonzero term is the sum of the previous row:
1385 = 61 + 183 + 285 + 327 + 285 + 183 + 61,
the next term is 3 times the first:
4155 = 3*1385,
and the remaining terms in each row are obtained by the rule illustrated by:
6681 = 2*4155 - 1385 - 4*61;
8475 = 2*6681 - 4155 - 4*183;
9129 = 2*8475 - 6681 - 4*285;
8475 = 2*9129 - 8475 - 4*327;
6681 = 2*8475 - 9129 - 4*285;
4155 = 2*6681 - 8475 - 4*183;
1385 = 2*4155 - 6681 - 4*61.
An alternate recurrence is illustrated by:
4155 = 1385 + 2*(61 + 183 + 285 + 327 + 285 + 183 + 61);
6681 = 4155 + 2*(183 + 285 + 327 + 285 + 183);
8475 = 6681 + 2*(285 + 327 + 285);
9129 = 8475 + 2*(327);
and then for k>n, T(n,k) = T(n,2*n-k).
T := proc(n, k) option remember; local j;
if n = 1 then 1
elif k = 1 then add(T(n-1, j), j=1..2*n-3)
elif k = 2 then 3*T(n, 1)
elif k > n then T(n, 2*n-k)
else 2*T(n, k-1) - T(n, k-2) - 4*T(n-1, k-2)
fi end:
seq(print(seq(T(n, k), k=1..2*n-1)), n=1..5); # Peter Luschny, May 11 2014
t[n_, k_] := t[n, k] = If[2*n < k || k < 0, 0, If[n == 0 && k == 0, 1, If[k == 0, Sum[t[n-1, j], {j, 0, 2*n-2}], If[k <= n, t[n, k-1] + 2*Sum[t[n-1, j], {j, k-1, 2*n-1-k}], t[n, 2*n-k]]]]]; Table[t[n, k], {n, 0, 6}, {k, 0, 2*n}] // Flatten (* Jean-François Alcover, Dec 06 2012, translated from Pari *)
(PARI) T(n, k)=if(2*n<k || k<0, 0, if(n==0 && k==0, 1, if(k==0, sum(j=0, 2*n-2, T(n-1, j)), if(k<=n, T(n, k-1)+2*sum(j=k-1, 2*n-1-k, T(n-1, j)), T(n, 2*n-k)))))
a125053 n k = a125053_tabf !! n !! k
a125053_row n = a125053_tabf !! n
a125053_tabf = iterate f [1] where
f zs = zs' ++ reverse (init zs') where
zs' = (sum zs) : g (map (* 2) zs) (sum zs)
g [x] y = [x + y]
g xs y = y' : g (tail $ init xs) y' where y' = sum xs + y
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, Mar 17 2012
Cf. A008301, A000364 (secant numbers, which are the row sums), A125054 (central terms), A125055, A000182, A008282.
Cf. A210111 (left half).
Sequence in context: A348114 A309498 A059616 * A291665 A181836 A124740
Paul D. Hanna, Nov 21 2006, Dec 20 2006