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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A122912 Smallest prime of the form (k^2 * 2^n + 1). 1
3, 5, 73, 17, 1153, 257, 1153, 257, 18433, 25601, 18433, 65537, 1179649, 65537, 1179649, 65537, 1179649, 26214401, 117964801, 26214401, 169869313, 104857601, 2717908993, 10485760001, 2717908993, 11341398017, 10871635969, 52613349377
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It is interesting to note a pattern such that for many n a(n) = a(n+2) and a(n+1) = a(n+3). The first such double twin pair run starts at n = 5, a(5) = a(7) = 1153 and a(6) = a(8) = 257. The first triple twin pair run starts at n = 12, a(12) = a(14) = a(16) = 65537 and a(13) = a(15) = a(17) = 1179649. There are longer runs of twin pairs such as penta twin pair run starting at n = 55, a(55) = a(57) = a(59) = a(61) = a(63) = 83010348331692982273 and a(56) = a(58) = a(60) = a(62) = a(64) = 461168601842738790401. A run of six twins starts at n = 71, a(71) = a(73) = a(75) = a(77) = a(79) = a(81) = 21760664753063325144711169. The final index of many twin runs is a perfect power such as {8,16,64,81,...}. Corresponding minimum numbers k such that (k^2*2^n + 1) is prime are listed in A122913[n] = { 1,1,3,1,6,2,3,1,6,5, 3,4,12,2,6,1,3,10,15,5, 9,5,18,25,9,13,9,14,12,7, 6,9,3,17,9,9,15,12,9,6, 6,3,3,11,42,18,21,9,66,10, 33,5,27,7,48,80,24,40,12,20, 6,10,3,5,3,7,3,79,75,63, 96,40,48,20,24,10,12,5,6,15, 3,22,72,11,36,15,18,25,9,57, 21,44,33,22,93,11,366,38,183,19,...}.
Sequence in context: A348205 A145616 A306255 * A062214 A323490 A368015
Alexander Adamchuk, Sep 18 2006

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Last modified September 18 13:18 EDT 2024. Contains 376000 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)