You are allowed to use the following symbols as well:
( ) grouping
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
^ exponentiation
Note that 1015 to 1033 are all representable in the form 4^5-d or 4^5+d, where d is a single digit.
The complexity of a number has been defined in several different ways by different authors. See the Index to the OEIS for other definitions. - Jonathan Vos Post, Apr 02 2005
From Bernard Schott, Feb 10 2021: (Start)
These numbers are called "entiers compressibles" in French.
There are no 1-digit or 2-digit terms.
The 3-digit terms are all of the form m^q, with 2 <= m, q <= 9.
The 4-digit terms are of the form m^q with m, q > 1, or of the form m^q+-d or m^q*r with m, q, r > 1, d >= 0, and m, q, r, d are all digits (see examples where [...] is a corresponding "compact" representation. (End)
R. K. Guy, Unsolved Problems Number Theory, Sect. F26.
J. Arias de Reyna, Complejidad de los nĂºmeros naturales, Gaceta R. Soc. Mat. Esp., 3 (2000), 230-250. [Cached copy, with permission]
J. Arias de Reyna, Complexity of natural numbers, arXiv:2111.03345 [math.NT], 2021.
Diophante, A164, Les entiers compressibles (in French).
R. K. Guy, Some suspiciously simple sequences, Amer. Math. Monthly 93 (1986), 186-190; 94 (1987), 965; 96 (1989), 905.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Integer Complexity
From Bernard Schott, Feb 10 2021: (Start)
a(1) = 125 = [5^3] = 5*5*5 is the smallest cube.
a(5) = 256 = [2^8] = [4^4] = 16*16 is the smallest square.
a(6) = 343 = [7^3] is the smallest palindrome.
a(15) = 1019 = [4^5-5] is the smallest prime.
6555 = [3^8-5] = [35^2] = T(49) = 49*50/2 is the smallest triangular number.
362880 = 9! = [70*72^2] = [8*(6^6-6^4)] is the smallest factorial.
The smallest zeroless pandigital number 123456789 = [(10^10-91)/81] = [3*(6415^2+38)] is a term. (End)
The largest pandigital number 9876543210 = [(8*10^11+10)/81] = [(8*10^11+10)/9^2] = [5*(15^5+67)*51^2] is also a term. - Bernard Schott, Apr 20 2022
Jack Brennen, Apr 01 2005
More terms from Bernard Schott, Feb 10 2021
Missing terms added by David A. Corneth, Feb 14 2021