a(n) is the number of values of k such that k can be expressed as the sum of distinct primes with largest prime in the sum equal to prime(n).
1, 2, 4, 7, 12, 23, 36, 53, 72, 95, 124, 155, 192, 233, 276, 323, 376, 435, 496, 563, 634, 707, 786, 869, 958, 1055, 1156, 1259, 1366, 1475, 1588, 1715, 1846, 1983, 2122, 2271, 2422, 2579, 2742, 2909, 3082, 3261, 3442, 3633, 3826, 4023, 4222, 4433, 4656, 4883
Surprisingly, except for the initial term, the first differences of this sequence is the sequence of primes with 7 omitted. [John W. Layman, Feb 25 2012]
Also number of k that can be expressed as a signed sum of the first n-1 primes. - Seiichi Manyama, Oct 01 2019
a(n) = A007504(n-1) - 5 for n > 4. - Seiichi Manyama, Oct 02 2019
For n=4; 7 is the 4th prime. 7 = 7, 9 = 2+7, 10 = 3+7, 12 = 5+7 = 2+3+7, 14 = 2+5+7, 15 = 3+5+7, 17 = 2+3+5+7. Values of m are 7 and 9,10,12,14,15,17. so a(4)=7.
From Seiichi Manyama, Oct 01 2019: (Start)
7 = 7, so 7*2 = 14 = 24-10 = 24+(-2-3-5).
2+7 = 9, so (2+7)*2 = 18 = 24- 6 = 24+( 2-3-5).
3+7 = 10, so (3+7)*2 = 20 = 24- 4 = 24+(-2+3-5).
5+7 = 12, so (5+7)*2 = 24 = 24+ 0 = 24+(-2-3+5).
2+5+7 = 14, so (2+5+7)*2 = 28 = 24+ 4 = 24+( 2-3+5).
3+5+7 = 15, so (3+5+7)*2 = 30 = 24+ 6 = 24+(-2+3+5).
2+3+5+7 = 17. so (2+3+5+7)*2 = 34 = 24+10 = 24+( 2+3+5). (End)
From Seiichi Manyama, Oct 02 2019: (Start)
Let b(n) be the number of k (>=0) that can be expressed as the sum of distinct primes with largest prime in the sum not greater than prime(n).
n |b(n)| |
4 | 12 | 0 | 11
| | 2 | 13 = 2+11
| | 3 | 14 = 3+11
| | 5 | 16 = 5+11
| | 7 | 18 = 7+11
| | 8 = 3+5 | 19 = 8+11 = (3+5)+11
| | 9 = 17-8 | 20 = 9+11 = (2+3+5+7)-(3+5)+11
| | 10 = 17-7 | 21 = 10+11 = (2+3+5+7)-7 +11
| | 12 = 17-5 | 23 = 12+11 = (2+3+5+7)-5 +11
| | 14 = 17-3 | 25 = 14+11 = (2+3+5+7)-3 +11
| | 15 = 17-2 | 26 = 15+11 = (2+3+5+7)-2 +11
| | 17 = 17-0 | 28 = 17+11 = (2+3+5+7) +11
5 | 23 | 0 | 13
| | 2 | 15 = 2+13
| | 3 | 16 = 3+13
| | 5 | 18 = 5+13
| | 7 | 20 = 7+13
| | 8 = 3+5 | 21 = 8+13 = (3+5) +13
| | 9 = 2+7 | 22 = 9+13 = (2+7) +13
| | 10 = 2+3+5 | 23 = 10+13 = (2+3+5)+13
| | 11 | 24 = 11+13
| | ... | ...
| | 17 = 28-11 | 30 = 17+13 = (2+3+5+7+11)-11 +13
| | 18 = 28-10 | 31 = 18+13 = (2+3+5+7+11)-(2+3+5)+13
| | 19 = 28- 9 | 32 = 19+13 = (2+3+5+7+11)-(2+7) +13
| | 20 = 28- 8 | 33 = 20+13 = (2+3+5+7+11)-(3+5) +13
| | 21 = 28- 7 | 34 = 21+13 = (2+3+5+7+11)- 7 +13
| | 23 = 28- 5 | 36 = 23+13 = (2+3+5+7+11)- 5 +13
| | 25 = 28- 3 | 38 = 25+13 = (2+3+5+7+11)- 3 +13
| | 26 = 28- 2 | 39 = 26+13 = (2+3+5+7+11)- 2 +13
| | 28 = 28- 0 | 41 = 28+13 = (2+3+5+7+11) +13
b(n) = Sum_{k=1..n} prime(k) + 1 - 3*2 = A007504(n) - 5 for n>3.
So a(n) = b(n-1) = A007504(n-1) - 5 for n>4.
(PARI) limit = 70; M = sum(i = 1, limit, prime(i)); v = vector(M); primeSum = 0; forprime (n = 1, prime(limit), count = 1; forstep (i = primeSum, 1, -1, if (v[i], count = count + 1; v[i + n] = 1)); v[n] = 1; print(count); primeSum = primeSum + n)
Naohiro Nomoto, May 02 2003
More terms from David Wasserman, Sep 16 2004